May 2018

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Inside This Issue
- Change Attitudes, Change Results
- In their own words
Change Attitudes, Change Results      computer-work-group.jpg
We are fortunate to have the ability to go through our day without much thought. Researchers estimate that upward of 85% of what we do on a daily basis is at the subconscious level. This works well for us in many ways. Imagine how much longer your morning routine would be if you had to think about everything you did from the time you awoke until the time you left for work. However while some habits assist us in functioning efficiently, others hinder us from discovering our potential.
Habits are formed through a process of evaluating a situation, deciding what action to take, and accessing the action to determine if it had the intended or positive outcome. If the results were satisfactory, and you repeat the action in similar circumstances, eventually it becomes habitual. Attitudes are developed the same way. Attitudes are habits of thought.
A part of your job as a leader is recognizing and developing skills in yourself and those around you. Attitude development plays a key role.
To begin to change your attitudes and habits and the attitudes and habits of those around you try the following:
  •  Define your purpose. Base your new attitudes and habits on your purpose.
  • Look at yourself, and discover which attitudes and habits are taking you further from your goals.
  • Commit to change, and actively involve yourself in the discovery process.
  • Make decisions that align with your purpose in situations that have not been moving you towards your goals.
  • Understand that change does not mean you were doing it wrong, or that the unknown is bad.
  • Use spaced repetition to become comfortable with the new habit or attitude.
  • Celebrate your success.
The attitudes and habits of those who work for and with you can be developed to help them discover their potential. Start by leading the way!

Did You Know?
Managers have an impact on companies' results
According to Gallup, 70% of the variance between lousy, good and great cultures can be found in the knowledge, skills and talent of the team leader, not the team.
When your best employees are not engaged, they are as likely to leave your organization as your employees who tend to have performance issues and are unhappy
Employees who are a good fit, and who have high engagement and 10+ years at an organization dominate performance. They perform 18% higher than the average employee and 35% higher than a worker who lacks all three elements.

Aspire Consulting
Aspire believes that individuals and organizations have the capacity to discover and use their unlimited potential to create and sustain success.  We assist companies in developing their employees to leverage their strengths and in turn drive measureable long term results.  
We always start with a no cost consultation.
Call us: 845.803.0438