Project Update
Champlain Parkway Project
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DATE: Friday, March 29, 2024 | |
The Champlain Parkway Project, which remains in winter shutdown, is anticipated to mobilize and resume construction activities on April 15. Weekly Construction Updates will resume the week prior.
A summary of construction activities to be completed during the 2023-2024 construction season as part of the initial phase of the Champlain Parkway project is included below.
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Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue
Major work between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue has been completed including the construction of the Champlain Parkway alignment and the reconstruction of the sideroads including Home Avenue, Batchelder Street, Briggs Street, Morse Place, Lyman Avenue, Ferguson Avenue, Flynn Avenue, and Sears Lane. Minor traffic impacts are anticipated with the exception of sideroad and driveway paving and line striping operations which will require single lane closures and temporary driveway restrictions. Minor traffic impacts are anticipated.
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Side Road Work
The remaining sideroad work includes:
- final driveway paving,
- final pavement installation (Flynn Avenue and Briggs Street),
- the installation of the final roadway markings and remaining roadway signage,
- general construction clean up, and,
- landscaping and tree planting.
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Champlain Parkway
The remaining work on the Champlain Parkway alignment between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue includes:
- paving the final lift of asphalt (between Sears Lane and Lakeside Avenue),
- installing the final roadway markings and remaining roadway signage,
- general construction clean up,
- landscaping and tree planting,
- installing the remaining traffic signal equipment, and,
- testing the traffic signal equipment.
Traffic signal testing will be completed this summer and the segment of the Champlain Parkway between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue is anticipated to be opened to the public this construction season.
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Lakeside Avenue
The remaining work along Lakeside Avenue between Pine Street and the railroad bridge includes:
- the installation of sidewalk along the south side,
- final paving and striping of the shared-use path along the north side,
- final paving of Lakeside Avenue and driveways,
- the installation of the final roadway markings and any remaining roadway signage,
- general construction clean up, and,
- landscaping, and tree planting.
This work will require lane closures with alternating one-way traffic and temporary driveway restrictions.
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Pine Street
Major work this construction season will focus on Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Avenue. Crews will:
- install the remaining curb along either side of the roadway,
- install the remaining sidewalk along the east side, and,
- final pave and stripe the shared-use path along the west side.
- complete the remaining drainage work,
- pave the final lift of asphalt along Pine Street and driveways,
- install the raised intersections at at Howard Street, Marble Avenue & Kilburn Street,
- install the final roadway markings and signage,
- construct the new bus shelters,
- conduct general construction clean up, and,
- landscaping, and tree planting.
This work will require instances of lane closures with alternating one-way traffic, temporary on-street parking and driveway restrictions, short sideroad closures, traffic patterns and circulation changes, and detours.
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The Champlain Parkway Project spans a 2.8-mile area from the I-189 intersection with US 7 to Lakeside Avenue, and includes upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Main Street.
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The initial contract includes the construction of the Champlain Parkway from Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue, upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Street. | |
Initial Contract 2024
Final Contract 2027
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Construction vehicles and other equipment will be traveling throughout the South End as part of the Burlington Great Streets: Main Street Project, which began construction in February. A stockpile for this project (where construction materials and equipment are stored) is located on Sears Lane. This project, which is separate from the Champlain Parkway Project, encompasses the portion of Main Street between Battery Street and South Union Street. For additional information or to sign up to receive their project updates, visit the Burlington Great Streets project website.
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