Project Update

Champlain Parkway Project

DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Traffic Restrictions along Pine Street extended to 24-hours a day, 7-days a week for approximately 6 weeks


Pine Street will continue to be a single northbound travel lane to facilitate the installation of the raised intersections at Howard Street, Marble Avenue, and Kilburn Street. Starting Monday, June 24th at 7 a.m. and continuing for approximately 6 weeks, Pine Street will be restricted to northbound traffic only from just north of the southern access to to Maple Street. This traffic pattern will be in effect 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. All southbound vehicles traveling between Maple and Howard Street will be detoured from Pine Street at Maple Street to St. Paul Street continuing onto Shelburne Street before turning onto Locust Street (vehicles only) or Flynn Avenue (trucks only) and back to Pine Street.

Howard Street, Marble Avenue, Pine Place, and Kilburn Street will be restricted to right turn only at their intersection with Pine Street. Howard Street, Marble Avenue, and Kilburn Street will remain open, but may be reduced in width while this work is performed. Truck traffic is discouraged at these intersections. Eastbound right and westbound left turns from Maple Street onto Pine Street will be prohibited.

Full access to and from’s southern parking lot, Jackson Terrace Apartments, and Burlington Electric Department via Pine Street will remain open. Driveway access along Pine Street between Howard and Maple Streets will be restricted to northbound only. This work will require temporary driveway closures at the raised intersections. Property owners will be notified separately.

During active work hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.), flaggers will be stationed at each side street to assist motorists. Please see the detour graphic below (click the image to enlarge)..

Green Mountain Transit Service Alerts for Pine Street Route and Montpelier LINK Express


Crews will be constructing portions of the raised intersections along Pine Street at Howard Street, Marble Avenue, and Kilburn Street to increase safety by reducing vehicular speeds and improving visibility and prioritization of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Renderings of the raised intersections at the intersections of Pine Street at Howard Street and Kilburn Street are shown below (click the images to enlarge).

Over the next 6 weeks, crews will be constructing the concrete transitions on Pine Street to the north and south of each raised intersection as shown in the graphic below (click the graphic to enlarge). Each concrete transition will be completed in two sections to allow one lane of traffic to be maintained along Pine Street as this work is completed. 

To construct each section of the concrete transition, crews will first excavate and prep the area before forming the section for concrete. Once the section has been formed, crews will pour the concrete. The concrete will have to cure for approximately 5 to 7 days (depending on weather) before the area can be backfilled and opened back up for vehicular traffic.

Crews will construct sections on the east side of the roadway starting at the intersection of Pine Street and Howard Street and progressing north towards the intersection of Pine Street and Kilburn Street. Pine Street will be reduced to one-way northbound with traffic shifted to the west while the east side is completed. Crews will then begin constructing the sections along the west side of the roadway starting at the intersection with Pine Street and Howard Street and progressing north towards the intersection of Pine Street and Kilburn Street. Pine Street will be reduced to one-way northbound with traffic shifted to the east while the west side is completed.

All work will take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 pm. Traffic restrictions and detours along Pine Street will remain in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

TRAVEL NOTICE: Please be advised that the constructed segment of the Champlain Parkway between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue has not been completed and is not open for public access. Vehicular traffic along this segment is strictly prohibited. Pedestrian and bicycle access along this portion of the shared-use path is restricted for your safety as designated crossing locations, proper signage, and operational traffic controls have not been implemented at the major crossing locations along the Champlain Parkway.


The partially constructed segments of the Champlain Parkway between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue are not open for public access and are being utilized for the movement and transport of construction vehicles, equipment, and materials. Please do not block access to the Champlain Parkway at its intersections with Home Avenue, Flynn Avenue, Sears Lane, and Lakeside Avenue.

PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: For your safety and the safety of the construction crew and field staff, the Champlain Parkway Project Team reminds the public to steer clear of construction vehicles, heavy machinery, and active construction areas. Stay alert when navigating within the work zone. For all urgent issues or concerns, please contact the Public Outreach Team by phone at (802)496-8956 or by email at


The Champlain Parkway Project spans a 2.8-mile area from the I-189 intersection with US 7 to Lakeside Avenue, and includes upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Main Street. 

The initial contract includes the construction of the Champlain Parkway from Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue, upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Street. 


Initial Contract 2024

Final Contract 2027


Construction vehicles and other equipment will be traveling throughout the South End as part of the Burlington Great Streets: Main Street Project, which began construction in February. A stockpile for this project (where construction materials and equipment are stored) is located on Sears Lane. In addition, this project will be detouring traffic through the Champlain Parkway project limits.

This project, which is separate from the Champlain Parkway Project, encompasses the portion of Main Street between Battery Street and South Union Street. For additional information or to sign up to receive their project updates, visit the Burlington Great Streets project website

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For more information about the project please visit the project website or contact the project team via the project hotline, 802-496-8956 or by email:

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