Construction Update

Champlain Parkway Project

DATE: Friday, August 30, 2024

TRAVEL NOTICE: The segment of the Champlain Parkway between Home Avenue and Lakeside Avenue is open to all modes of traffic. Vehicular and bicycle traffic are now permitted to travel along this open segment of the Champlain Parkway, and pedestrians and cyclists are encouraged to use the shared-use path along the eastern side of the new roadway. Motorists are encouraged to slow down and follow all pavement markings and line striping, roadway signage, and traffic signals.

PLEASE NOTE: The open segment of the Champlain Parkway will remain an active work zone until the initial contract is completed in October 2024. Portions of the segment may be temporarily closed or require lane reductions to complete remaining construction activities. This segment of the Champlain Parkway has entered its 30-day traffic signal testing period. Traffic signals and overall operations will be monitored, and adjustments will be made as needed.


Unless otherwise noted, work will be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., access to residential and business driveways will be maintained, and all roadway, lane, and parking restrictions will be lifted during the evening hours and on weekends. Flaggers will be present to assist motorists throughout the work zone during active construction hours. Businesses will remain open! Travelers should anticipate segments of rough and uneven driving surfaces and traffic pattern changes throughout the project limits.

In observance of Labor Day, crews will be out of the roadway starting TODAY, Friday, August 30 by noon and offsite starting at 7 p.m. with construction activities resuming on Tuesday, September 3 at 7 a.m.


Pine Street

Crews will be off Pine Street by noon Friday, September 6 for the Burlington Art Hop. Construction activities will resume on Monday, September 9 at 7 a.m.

Crews will be working along Pine Street from Lakeside Avenue to Kilburn Street. Work will take place along either side of the roadway with construction activities phased to prevent overlapping work zones. This work will require lane closures, driveway impacts, on-street parking restrictions, and changes in traffic patterns. Access to impacted properties will be maintained.

Portions of Pine Street will be reduced to one lane to facilitate the installation of brick pavers, the final paving of Pine Street, and other activities with traffic shifts or restrictions to one-way alternating or northbound only. The segment of Pine Street between just south of Lakeside Avenue and Locust Street will be under traffic shifts and one-way alternating traffic controlled by flaggers during active work hours to facilitate paving operations. The segment of Pine Street between Locust Street and Maple Street will be reduced to a single northbound travel lane with traffic restricted to northbound only from Locust Street to Maple Street during active work hours to facilitate paving operations. This traffic pattern will be in effect during active work hours and will be restored each evening by 7 p.m.

All southbound vehicles traveling between Maple Street and Locust Street will be detoured from Pine Street at Maple Street to St. Paul Street continuing onto Shelburne Street before turning onto Locust Street (vehicles only) or Flynn Avenue (trucks only) and back to Pine Street. Howard Street, Marble Avenue, Pine Place, and Kilburn Street will be restricted to right turn only at their intersection with Pine Street. Eastbound right and westbound left turns from Maple Street onto Pine Street will be prohibited. During active work hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.), flaggers will be stationed at each side street to assist motorists. Please see the detour graphic below (click the image to enlarge).

Pine Street will be reduced to a single lane with alternating one-way traffic at its intersection with Kilburn Street for the installation of the brick paver crosswalks. Kilburn Street will be closed. This traffic pattern will be in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the work is completed. Traffic will be controlled by temporary traffic signals. There is the potential for work at the Kilburn Street intersection to be completed next week and work to be shifted to the intersection of Pine Street and Marble Avenue. 

Green Mountain Transit Service Alerts for 

Pine Street Route and Montpelier LINK Express.

Pine Street – East and West

TODAY, Friday, August 30, crews will be paving the remaining portion of the shared use path along the west side of Pine Street between Burlington Arts Center and Lakeside Avenue. This work will require short 10–15-minute driveway closures to facilitate the paving of the shared use path. TODAY, Friday, August 30, crews will mill (remove the surface layer of pavement) at the northern and southern project limits of Pine Street in preparation for final paving operations. This work will require lane reductions with alternating one-way traffic controlled by flaggers.

Starting Tuesday, September 3 and continuing throughout the week, crews will be paving Pine Street. Crews will start from the southern terminus near Lakeside Avenue and work north toward Kilburn Street. This work will require lane closures with alternating one-way traffic, traffic shifts, and northbound-only traffic restrictions, and short 10–15-minute driveway closures. Paving operations are weather-dependent.

In addition, crews will continue topsoiling, backfilling hardscape surfaces, and sign restoration along either side of Pine Street. East Coast Signals will be onsite installing the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).

Pine Street at Howard Street, Marble Avenue, and Kilburn Street

Crews will continue prepping for and installing brick pavers at the raised intersections of Pine Street at Kilburn Street and Marble Avenue. The raised intersections include the area bound by the concrete transitions (as shown in the graphic below). Crews will continue working at the intersection of Pine Street at Kilburn Street. There is the potential for crews to begin work at the intersection of Pine Street at Marble Avenue. This work will require a single-lane closure with alternating one-way traffic on Pine Street and temporary closures of the side roads at their intersection with Pine Street. Lane reductions and side road closures will be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while this work is completed. Brick paver installation will be completed one intersection at a time with each intersection taking approximately two weeks to complete.

South End

Shared Use Path – Shelburne Street (U.S. 7) to Pine Street

Crews will continue working on the future shared-use path between Shelburne Street (U.S. 7) near Buffalo Wild Wings and Pine Street near the Howard Center. Crews will continue placing topsoil along either side of the shared use path. Fencing will continue to be installed in segments along its length. This work will take place outside of the roadway with limited impacts to traffic.

Flynn Avenue, Home Avenue, Lakeside Avenue, Sears Lane, and Briggs Street

Crews will be onsite conducting sign restoration throughout the project area and installing park bench pads and benches at the Flynn Avenue pocket park. These activities will take place predominately off the roadway.

Champlain Parkway

Throughout the week, crews will be conducting sign restoration along the Champlain Parkway between Lakeside Avenue and Home Avenue. This work will take place predominately off the roadway.

PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: For your safety and the safety of the construction crew and field staff, the Champlain Parkway Project Team reminds the public to steer clear of construction vehicles, heavy machinery, and active construction areas. Stay alert when navigating within the work zone. For all urgent issues or concerns, please contact the Public Outreach Team by phone at (802)496-8956 or by email at


The Champlain Parkway Project spans a 2.8-mile area from the I-189 intersection with US 7 to Lakeside Avenue, and includes upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Main Street. 

The initial contract includes the construction of the Champlain Parkway from Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue, upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Street. 


Initial Contract 2024

Final Contract 2026


Construction vehicles and other equipment will be traveling throughout the South End as part of the Burlington Great Streets: Main Street Project, which began construction in February. A stockpile for this project (where construction materials and equipment are stored) is located on Sears Lane. In addition, this project will be detouring traffic through the Champlain Parkway project limits.

This project, which is separate from the Champlain Parkway Project, encompasses the portion of Main Street between Battery Street and South Union Street. For additional information or to sign up to receive their project updates, visit the Burlington Great Streets project website

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For more information about the project please visit the project website or contact the project team via the project hotline, 802-496-8956 or by email:

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