Pine Street – East and West
TODAY, Friday, August 30, crews will be paving the remaining portion of the shared use path along the west side of Pine Street between Burlington Arts Center and Lakeside Avenue. This work will require short 10–15-minute driveway closures to facilitate the paving of the shared use path. TODAY, Friday, August 30, crews will mill (remove the surface layer of pavement) at the northern and southern project limits of Pine Street in preparation for final paving operations. This work will require lane reductions with alternating one-way traffic controlled by flaggers.
Starting Tuesday, September 3 and continuing throughout the week, crews will be paving Pine Street. Crews will start from the southern terminus near Lakeside Avenue and work north toward Kilburn Street. This work will require lane closures with alternating one-way traffic, traffic shifts, and northbound-only traffic restrictions, and short 10–15-minute driveway closures. Paving operations are weather-dependent.
In addition, crews will continue topsoiling, backfilling hardscape surfaces, and sign restoration along either side of Pine Street. East Coast Signals will be onsite installing the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).
Pine Street at Howard Street, Marble Avenue, and Kilburn Street
Crews will continue prepping for and installing brick pavers at the raised intersections of Pine Street at Kilburn Street and Marble Avenue. The raised intersections include the area bound by the concrete transitions (as shown in the graphic below). Crews will continue working at the intersection of Pine Street at Kilburn Street. There is the potential for crews to begin work at the intersection of Pine Street at Marble Avenue. This work will require a single-lane closure with alternating one-way traffic on Pine Street and temporary closures of the side roads at their intersection with Pine Street. Lane reductions and side road closures will be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while this work is completed. Brick paver installation will be completed one intersection at a time with each intersection taking approximately two weeks to complete.