June 18, 2024

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Assessor's Office Reappraising Property in St. Tammany

Property tax reassessment was a topic of conversation at the recent Advocacy and Public Policy Committee meeting. Beginning in tax year 2024, all real property is to be valued as of January 1, 2023. St. Tammany Parish Assessor Louis Fitzmorris and Troy Dugas discussed their assessment policies and procedures with APP members to accomplish this, and explained how property tax revenue is used in St. Tammany. Click here to view his presentation.


New Law Lets Officials Ignore Public Records Requests

Gov. Landry has signed into law a bill that allows government officials to ignore the state’s public records law without consequence. House Bill 768 removes all personal liability from the records custodian of a government agency who unreasonably withholds records or fails to respond to a public records request. Read more here.

Proof of Citizenship Soon Required to Vote

Starting with the new year, those who register to vote in Louisiana will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship when submitting a voter registration application. Gov. Landry signed the requirement into law this week. The new law says that "each applicant shall include with his application proof of United States citizenship." But the secretary of state's office has not yet determined what exactly this proof will entail. Read more here.

New Louisiana Study Group To Work on Education Reform

The Louisiana House K-12 Education Study Group held its first meeting yesterday with the goal of helping improve Louisiana's K-12 education system. The chair of the committee, Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Livingston, and the other three house members agreed that the main goal of the committee was to pass legislation to improve education. During the legislative session, there were conflicting ideas from lawmakers on how to improve the school system. What makes this advisory committee unique is the vast majority are superintendents, principals, teachers and school board members. Now, the lawmakers can receive recommendations and suggested legislation from school officials via this committee. Read more here.

Hurricane Preparedness From President Cooper's Recent Parish Update...

"I met with our Office of Emergency Preparedness, essential personnel and local first responders to prepare for Hurricane Season. Discussions were held about predictions for an active season and how our teams will work together to respond to storms in our communities.

Now is the time for you and your family to prepare as well! Visit GetaGamePlan.org for tips and best practices to get ready for a potential storm.

Additionally, download the Everbridge App and sign-up for STAT, our parish's emergency alert and severe weather notification system!"

Quick Links



Everbridge App

Parish Emergency System Sign Up

Hurricane Kit Info

FEMA Checklist

On The Calendar

Featured Event: Click here to purchase Southern Nights tickets!

This Thursday, June 20

4:30 AM to 6:30 AM


360 Lee Lane,



Thursday, June 27

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Ribbon Cutting for

Category 5 Pickleball

2989 Hwy, 190,



Thursday, June 27

11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Networking: 11:30 AM

Program and Lunch: Noon

Centerwell Covington

66 Park Place, Covington

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Small Business News You Can Use:

AI Tools

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce offers small businesses information on how to leverage artificial intelligence tools to simplify data collection, improve search engine optimization strategy, gain a competitive edge and more. Click here to learn more.


Congratulations to Northlake-Mandeville Rotary! The organization is celebrating its 50th anniversary of service to the community.

Congratulations to Covington Trace ER & Hospital on their one-year anniversary! Click here for info to join in their celebration.

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