Message from Our CEO
What Now?
The latest special election is now over. Yet another tax renewal for one of our parishwide agencies has failed. Voter turnout was less than 10 percent—8.5% percent to be exact.
Believe it or not, the number of elections is down. In 2012 the number of scheduled elections went from six a year to four (a spring and a fall cycle) with the elimination of the “Proposition Only” ballots for January and July. Our chamber was a voice in reducing the number and perhaps it’s time to reduce it even further.
Parish government has been facing tremendous challenges to fund public safety. Let's not think about the individuals currently running the agencies, or the past individuals who ran these agencies—sheriff, district attorney, and now coroner. It’s not about the past. It’s not about the opinions expressed on social media. It’s about our future as the safest parish in the region. Do we want to continue to hold that status?
There is much discontent regarding local government services or the lack thereof. There’s also discontent regarding the use of outdated methods to acquire yes votes on tax renewals. If that’s a reason citizens are not bothering to vote, that is what we can try to change along with reducing the allowable number of special elections, which in this case, cost voters over $100,000.