Message from Our CEO
Although there remain several runoffs, another election is in the books. ICYMI, we have included up-to-date news article links in this update.
A congratulatory message was sent to the victorious newcomers as well as the returning members that will sit on our new St. Tammany Parish Council. We wanted to introduce the Chamber as a partner and friend willing to work together on the challenges facing parish government. Our message included the members of our St. Tammany Economic Partnership—STEP. While each organization has its own mission statement, STEP’s mission is to work together to enhance awareness and maximize impact in St. Tammany through the facilitation of clear, consistent, and collaborative communications, as well as programming among business and community-centered entities.
The quality of life enjoyed by our population of 270,000 continues to be among the best in Louisiana. We believe that both informal and formal public private partnerships among elected, business and private citizen leadership provide the best opportunity to continue to build on and preserve what we are blessed to have in our parish, now the fourth largest in the state and continuing to grow.
Despite a low voter turnout in St. Tammany and throughout the state, the voters have spoken. There are several runoffs statewide and locally, so we will work to keep our members informed as we encourage every single voter to VOTE in the runoffs.
Business leaders look forward to continuing to work with Parish President Mike Cooper, together with all of the newly elected and returning parish council members toward a brighter future for all of St. Tammany.