I often get feedback regarding Chamber events, which provide information, education, and networking opportunities to promote your business. Behind the scenes, our staff and committees collaborate to ensure the purpose of each event is fulfilled.
Because electing qualified leadership is critical to our personal and business bottom lines, we always encourage our members to be informed before going to the polls. So, the month of August saw three Chamber luncheons, with two featuring Legislative and Parish President candidates. Additionally, our staff planned two political stump-style Meet the Legislative Candidates events, with a third being held this Thursday. All have been or will be recorded for those not in attendance. Kudos to our staff for coordinating the 22 candidates vying for eight legislative seats for in-person introductions.
In addition to the legislative seats, there are 33 Parish Council candidates vying for seats in the 14 council districts. While there are plenty of political signs throughout the Parish, how can you choose the most qualified candidate to fill the very important leadership role? Which candidate will best serve not only your district, but the Parish as a whole?
For that reason, we offered each of the council candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their qualifications in a four-minute Zoom video presentation. As of today, our vice-president, Michelle Biggs, has completed 26 videos of those who accepted this opportunity.
Once all 20 videos are edited, we invite you to “meet the candidates” via YouTube. We encourage you to view the candidates in your specific district before heading to the polls on election day or during early voting.
Under the leadership of our Board of Directors our purpose is to provide a voice of business. Candidate videos fulfill that goal to inform our members and the public before going to the polls.