Members and Supporters,

It’s the time of the year that we give thanks and reflect on all we have been given. We are giving thanks for our members who have supported us year after year and help the Chamber grow and thrive. 

This holiday, some people will celebrate with family or chosen family and have plenty of food on the table. However, for some in the LGBTQ+ community including LGBTQ+ Seniors, the holidays are a challenging and lonely time. Some individuals are not connected to families of origin because rejection and discrimination. The holidays are anything but a celebration for some LGBTQ+ Seniors and when they have no food on the table, it’s an even more difficult situation. Did you know that 1 out of 5 LGBTQ+ adults live in food poverty? And, that was before the pandemic. You can help make a difference this holiday season.

The Chamber Holiday Food Drive, supporting LGBTQ+ Seniors, will be held on December 10. Read more in this issue and help the Chamber turn the table on hunger for LGBTQ+ Seniors this holiday season. If you’re not able to make it out for the drop-off, you can donate to the Virtual Food Drive

This time of the year finds us looking ahead as well. We are planning for 2022, and it’s going to be a busy and robust year and together again in-person! If you are not a member of the Chamber, it’s a great time to join and be part of a growing and thriving community. We would love to have you! Learn more about the various membership levels and benefits at

I wish you and yours a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope to see you on December 10 for the Chamber Holiday Food Drive.

With gratitude,