February 17, 2022
Countywide Chambers of Commerce Weekly Survey
Assuming Governor Inslee ends the mask mandate soon, what level of in-person event
are you comfortable with?
Select one:
Indoor & outdoor without masks
Indoor & outdoor with masks
Outdoors only - with masks
Outdoors only - without masks
Not at all - online only for me
Results from Our Last Survey:

How confident are you today that your business can emerge from the pandemic stronger than it entered it?
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
we can engage and work for our business membership. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
Click here for the most recent
county data reported by
Competition for Talent: Expanding Opportunities for the Workforce of Tomorrow
Part of a webinar series presented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, originally aired on February 8, 2022.

Tune in for a discussion on how both businesses and government can address the workforce crisis by helping get sidelined workers in overlooked talent pools back on the job. Moderated by Suzanne Clark, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
3 Creative Ways to
Become Top of Mind
Do you want people to think about your business before all others? Of course, you do. The first step to patronizing your business is remembering it exists.

Imagine you have a free evening, and you want to go out to eat. It doesn’t matter how amazing the food is at the new place down the street; if it doesn’t pop into your mind, you won’t be going there.

The same is true of your potential customers. They need to think of you to spend money with you.

So how do you ensure you’re top of mind and that they will think about your business over the competition? You need to find a way to stand out and be memorable. A good product or service is the first step. Good customer service is also a solid choice. But to truly stand out you must do something slightly different.

LIVE! Bi-Monthly
Legislative Update
Friday, February 18th, 8:30 am
Please join us for our 2nd LIVE update with Brad Boswell and team. If you have questions about legislative actions happening in Olympia during this session, Brad is here to answer them for you. Get insight on the $16B transportation package Washington Democrats released last week and what it means for our ferries and bridges. Brought to you by your Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers of Commerce.
Military Appreciation Day Returns - Sign Up to Participate Now
The Military Affairs Committee of the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce is excited to be just weeks away from the return of Military Appreciation Day. Join us at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 5th to showcase your business to our military community and supporters.

Sponsorships are still available and vendor applications will be accepted through February 25, 2022. Questions? Contact David at the Chamber.
Contact Us
If you need assistance, please contact us directly.