April 28, 2022
Bremerton & Silverdale
Chamber Weekly Survey
What do you think is the best way to announce
a new business to our community?
Please choose only your top answer
Grand Opening Party
Ribbon Tying/Press Event
Social Media Blitz
Print Advertising
Other (submit your ideas via email below)
Results from Our Recent Survey

What should be the primary focus
of our Chamber website?
*Survey questions are run for 2 consecutive weeks to capture all of our readers.
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
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county data reported by
Retailers & Lawmakers Push Back Against Credit Card Fee Increases
From the National Retail Federation, April 18, 2022

The National Retail Federation urged Visa and Mastercard to cancel credit card swipe fee increases scheduled to take effect this month, citing a letter from both Republican and Democratic members of Congress saying higher fees would add to inflation.

“American consumers are struggling under the worst inflation in four decades and these increases would only make the situation worse,” NRF Vice President for Government Relations, Banking and Financial Services Leon Buck said. “Swipe fees are a percentage of the transaction, so banks and card networks are already receiving an unearned windfall as they piggyback on higher prices. They’re going to see billions of dollars more in revenue this year even if rates stay the same, so an increase would only add insult to injury.”


Are You Holding Yourself Accountable First?
We’ve all experienced throughout time the frustrations that come with lack of follow through from others. Whether it’s the coworker or employee in the workplace that just does not seem to be able to say what she means and follow through, or whether it’s a personal friend who makes plans and then cancels every time, people not holding themselves accountable can be wildly frustrating both personally and professionally.
But what about you?


Warning: Even Your Committed Employees Are Being Recruited
Competition for talent is reaching unprecedented levels, and the result is this: No employees are really "off the market" now.

Gallup's latest research highlights a new reality that most employers are not fully prepared for:

  • One in four U.S. employees say they have been recruited in the past three months.
  • One in 10 employees say they have been recruited in the past three months even though they were not actively looking for a new job or even watching for opportunities.

This marks a 57% rise since 2015 in the number of non-job seekers being actively recruited, and it may mark a new chapter in the "Great Resignation" saga.


Become a Sponsor:
Armed Forces Day Parade
Sponsorships for the 75th Annual Armed Forces Day Parade are available now! Contact David at the Chamber for more information or click on the information sheet below.
75th Annual Armed Forces Day Parade
10:00 am, Saturday, May 21, 2022
Parade entry applications accepted until Friday, May 6, 2022.
Contact Us
If you need assistance, please contact us directly.