May 12, 2022
Bremerton & Silverdale
Chamber Weekly Survey
In your opinion, what are the
most important challenges facing your business/organization today?
Please choose only your top answer
Affordable Housing
Infrastructure + Land Use (water, power, broadband, roads, bridges)
Government Regulations
Lack of Childcare for Employees
Supply Chain Disruption
Cost of Health Care
Lack of Qualified Workers (education + workforce)
Overall Tax Burden
Cost of Energy
Lack of Access to Capital for Investment
Other (please use email response button below)
Results from Our Recent Survey
What do you think is the best way to announce
a new business to our community?
*Survey questions are run for 2 consecutive weeks to capture all of our readers.
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
Click here for the most recent
county data reported by

Sign Up Now to Celebrate Our Military in the Armed Forces Day Parade
75th Annual Armed Forces Day Parade
10:00 am, Saturday, May 21, 2022
Be a part of one of the longest-standing traditions in Bremerton and sign up to participate in the Armed Forces Day Parade! Whether you're a local business, nonprofit, community organization or school group, get out and show your thanks to the military members in our community. Enjoy a pancake breakfast hosted by the Central Lions Club prior to the parade, and a Heroes BBQ following the parade. Winners will be selected in six different categories. Sign up now!

5 Great Lessons
Learned from Customer Service Mistakes
A cruise ship captain once said, “There’s always a weird person at your dinner table. If you’re sitting with several couples and you can’t figure out who the weird one is, chances are it’s you.”

The same can be true of customer service.

Every business is convinced they offer stellar service but if you can’t think of a company in your area that offers bad service, it might be you. It’s statistically impossible, not to mention an abuse of a superlative, for every business to offer “the best” service. One is better than the other. We aren’t all 5-stars all the time.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from the experience.


Survey Shows Inflation Tops Long List of Employer Challenges in 2022
From Kris Johnson, President, Association of Washington Business

In a recent survey of AWB members, inflation emerged as the No. 1 challenge facing Washington employers right now, edging out a long list of other serious concerns like finding enough workers, supply chain disruptions and overly burdensome government regulation.

Almost every employer surveyed – 94% – said their business has been affected by rising prices. Impacts vary, but can be substantial. One out of every 12 employers say their costs have gone up by at least 30%, for example.

In his latest monthly newspaper column, AWB President Kris Johnson notes many reasons that prices are going up, including supply chain snarls that began during the pandemic and have yet to be resolved. Strong consumer demand for goods and services is another factor, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted food and energy markets around the world.

“With no end in sight, economists are warning that inflation is not only a serious threat to economic recovery, but could also lead to a recession,” Johnson wrote. “They worry the Federal Reserve, in an attempt to cool the overheated market, will raise interest rates aggressively and push the economy into a downturn. In April, Deutsche Bank was the first major bank to forecast a US recession in late 2023 and into 2024.”


What Might a Business Leader Have in Common with Royalty?
From Monica Blackwood, President & CEO, West Sound Workforce; originally published in the Kitsap Business Journal, May 9, 2022.

I read a lot about the workforce, human resources and business — articles, blogs, magazines, various posts and comments in specialty groups, vendor white papers and whatever else I can find. I listen to podcasts on my drive to the office. Thoughts and ideas from all over swarm through my head, where at some point I’m either able to put them together into some of my own views, or I somehow turn off the brain machine enough to go to sleep at night, to find them waiting for me in the morning.

Recently, I came across an article from a vendor written last year, "What is the Role of HR in Succession Planning?", on Out of the gate the question was asked, “What do medieval monarchies and modern CEOs have in common?” 

Given that I have several friends, acquaintances and connections who are CEOs, and I happen to be one, I was curious. What might I have in common with royalty?

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