July 27, 2023

“Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.” – Yehuda Bauer


Friday, July 28, 6:30 pm - Schmooze & Shabbat - Wine, cheese, Tisha B'Av, Israel, prayer, and song. Click here for zoom

Saturday, July 29, 9:30 am - Torah Studiers! If you are in town and able to attend this Saturday, please RSVP to Cantor Harriet.

Sunday, July 30, 12:00 pm - Youth and Family Meet & Greet at TBC (see below!)

Wednesday, August 2, 2:00 pm - Dorothy Day Hospitality House - To volunteer, contact Peggy Zamore!

Thursday, August 3, 6:00 - 7:30 pm - RAC-Ohio "text bank" for women's reproductive health rights on the ballot in Ohio. (See below!)

See the TBC Calendar for more upcoming events.

TBC's COVID safety policy is posted here.

This Friday, July 28 @ 6:30pm

(AND All Summer Long)

Join us for Schmooze Shabbat

Come this Friday at 6:30 pm and stay for service at 7:00 PM.

Wine, cheese, Tisha B'Av, Israel, prayer, and song. 

Click here for zoom


Meet & Greet for Families with Young Children

On Sundays July 30, August 13

This is a casual opportunity to get to know the clergy, religious school staff and other TBC member families with young children. The picnic venue is perfect for families with toddlers through children age 8 or 9. There will be a water slide and a wading pool for cool fun as well as sidewalk chalk and lawn games. Lunch will include tuna sandwiches and cheese and fruit along with drink boxes, chips, pretzels and ice cream. RSVP to:

and indicate which dates you're attending and how many children you'll bring!

Click here for larger version of poster!

Please Share Your Simcha! TBC congregants are invited to share news of their family events and celebrations in Chailites. Please send your information to

Birthday wishes to our TBC family members who are celebrating birthdays in August! 

Linda Bolton

Adam Nevas

Ellen Bonheim

Russell Robbins

Kira Bonheim

Richard Ruben

Richard Hagan

Nina Saunders

Robert Kapel

Judson Scruton

Rachel Langberg

Jace Simson

Jack Noah Larson

Melinda Weber

Hilary Whitaker

Volunteers Needed to Support Reproductive Freedom in Ohio

From: Religious Action Center of Reform Judasim, 7/27. On Tuesday, the Secretary of State certified the reproductive freedom ballot initiative. On August 8th there is a special election that will determine whether the reproductive freedom measure needs a simple majority to pass or a threshold of 60 percent. RAC-OH and its partner agencies, who vastly exceeded the valid signatures and qualified counties needed to secure this initiative, now need all of us to fight this August and make sure that those votes count.

Please Join RAC-OH on August 3rd from 6:00-7:30 p.m. ET for a text bank to make sure every vote is received and counted!

Register Today

TBC Antisemitism/Kulanu

Action Group - Quick Update

The TBC Antisemitism / Kulanu Action Group has continued to meet through the summer. TBC has re-enlisted in the ADL Kulanu Program for 2023-2024 and planning is now ongoing for a broad-based, community town-meeting this fall on recognizing and responding to antisemitism. Work is also proceeding on updating TBC's religious school's antisemitism curriculum. If you have questions or are able to help with these efforts, please contact group coordinator Bonnie Heft:

Share Your Business Cards! TBC congregants are invited to share their business cards in Chailites. Please send an image of your card to

TBC is Here For You!

If you or a family member is ill or in need of care - or if you know of someone in our community who needs help - please contact Cantor Harriet. Our Caring Committee is here to provide assistance - meals, rides to doctors' appointments or shopping.

Yahrzeits July 28 - August 3

Zeicher tzaddik livrachah!

Monday, July 31

Ira Saligman, nephew of Bonnie Heft

Thomas Saxby, father of Kathy Gordon

Tuesday, August 1

Adam Ethan Tartell, brother of Ross Tartell

Wednesday, August 2

Alfred (Mac) Carter, father of Suzanne Carter Kramer

It is traditional to light a memorial candle at home on the eve of the yahrzeit. You may also find it meaningful while kindling the yahrzeit candle to offer prayers of remembrance or reflect on your loved one’s life. Many also choose this time to make monetary donations in memory of loved ones

Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques

When remembering loved ones who have passed away, we invite you to commemorate their lives and blessings with a memorial plaque for the TBC wall of remembrance. Ordering information is available here.

A reminder that the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County schedules a variety of programs that TBC members will find interesting.

Their calendar of upcoming events is available here. Those wishing to receive their weekly mailing list will find the registration form here.

ShopRaise Now for TBC!

Whether you're shopping for food or decor for your home, or anything else, we've got you covered. A portion of every purchase you make with the ShopRaise app can benefit TBC. Make today a time for giving.

More information about ShopRaise for TBC can be found here.

Handmade Kippot

The kippot are $18 each, and we will continue to use the proceeds to ship Machzorim to the community and also send the balance of the proceeds to purchase food! Please make checks payable to: Temple B'nai Chaim, with 'TBC Social Action Fund-Ugandan Jewry' in the memo line. Additional donations are welcome through the TBC Social Action Fund on the TBC Donation Page with a note indicating 'Ugandan Jewry' as the recipient.

You Can Make a Difference at TBC

Have you been thinking about making a donation to support TBC in some way? We have made it easier for you to do just that! Please check out our new Donate Now button below! Don't forget, you can sponsor and oneg, preneg or flowers for Shabbat Services.

Sponsor a TBC Oneg or Service Flowers!

TBC Links

Website - Calendar - Membership

Previous issues of Chailites and other Temple News are listed

on the TBC website here

Don't miss out. Like and follow us:

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Contact Us

If you have TBC community news you'd like to share, please send the information to!

Temple B'nai Chaim    

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 305, Georgetown, CT 06829

Phone: 203 544-8695    

Location: 82 Portland Avenue, Wilton CT 06897 (Directions)

Cantor/Educator: Cantor Harriet Dunkerley

Assistant Director of Education: Elisheva Gluck

President: June Mara  

Office Manager/Facility Use: Denise Seccurra