March 16, 2023

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." (The Talmud)


Friday, March 17, 7:00 pm - WEPCO Shabbat Meeting Registration - Zoom

Saturday, March 18, 9:30 am - Torah Study

Sunday, March 19, 9:30 am - 4th Grade Family Education Program

Sunday, March 19, 9:30 am - Religious School

Sunday, March 19, 9:30 am - Women's Health Action Group - TBC Social Hall (PARENTS please come after dropping off your children for school!)

Sunday, March 19, 11:45 am - Confirmation Class

Wednesday, March 22, 4:30 pm - Hebrew School

See the TBC Calendar for more upcoming events.

TBC's COVID safety policy is posted here.

Photos from Last Friday's Shabbat

Ian Marceau and Family

Photo gallery here!

Welcome New Member Family!

Please extend a warm welcome to our newest TBC family, Reed and Lindsay Werbilt and their children, Wyatt age 4 and Mischa 18 months.

The Werbilts live in Redding. Reed celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at TBC!

WEPCO Shabbat at TBC - This Friday, March 17

This Shabbat we welcome confirmands from several local churches to learn a little about Judaism and to worship with us. The students arrive at 5:30pm for a learning session, enjoy dinner at 6:15pm and join us for Shabbat services at 7pm. The service will be followed by an oneg.

Please join us Friday and make our guests welcome!

Tonight - Honey Cakes and Latkes

How Food Memories Nourish the Soul

Join CT food writer Liz Rueven and Dr. Maria Zalewska, Executive Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation, in conversation with Holocaust survivors Tova Friedman and Eugene Ginter for a deeper look behind a collection of heirloom recipes from Auschwitz and Birkenau survivors.

TONIGHT, March 16, 7:00 pm - sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County. Held at Chabad of Westport. Click here to register.

Come join the fun and community spirit as we break ground with our new TBC Pollinator Garden! Help us Prep our Site for planting native perennial favorites of our native birds, bees, and butterflies. Please bring a spade/shovel with a flat head if you have one. For more information or to volunteer to help please email Joe Bear at

Gala Jimmy Fund Benefit Concert in

Memory of Sarah Jane Boling

Sunday, March 26, 2023 3:00 pm

New compositions by Cantor Charles Osborne, Cantor Robbie Solomon, Nick Page, Daniel Gil, and others, will be presented in a world-wide  live-streamed concert on Sunday March 26th at 3:00 PM.  

These include new musical settings of familiar biblical texts like Eishet Chayil,  Enosh, and Min HaMeitzar, as well as less familiar lyrics from Judah HaLevy,  Hai Gaon,  Israel Baal Shem Tov,  Joshua ben Levi,  and Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav.  Click here for more information.

TBC member Jeffrey Busch (long-time LGBTQ+ advocate) has been invited to speak at A Night of Queer History on March 30 at 7:00 pm at the Wilton Historical Society. The event is sponsored by the new Wilton Pride organization along with Lighthouse and the Wilton Historical Society. Register at

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Share Your Simcha! TBC congregants are invited to share news of their family events and celebrations in Chailites. Please send your information to

B'Tayavon 2023 Passover Menu

Order by March 23!

Click here for full menu!

Handmade Kippot Still Available!

They kippot are $18 each, and we will use the proceeds to ship 100 Machzorim to the community and also send the balance of the proceeds to purchase food! Please make checks payable to: Temple B'nai Chaim, with 'TBC Social Action Fund-Ugandan Jewry' in the memo line. Additional donations are welcome through the TBC Social Action Fund on the TBC Donation Page with a note indicating 'Ugandan Jewry' as the recipient.

TBC is Here For You!

If you or a family member is ill or in need of care - or if you know of someone in our community who needs help - please contact Cantor Harriet. Our Caring Committee is here to provide assistance - meals, rides to doctors' appointments or shopping.

Yahrzeits March 17-23

Zeicher tzaddik livrachah!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Ruth Artson Shauer, mother of Marlene Serby

Lillian Greenwald Sobel, mother of Ken Sobel

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Lillian Tondow Weber, mother of Donald Weber

It is traditional to light a memorial candle at home on the eve of the yahrzeit. You may also find it meaningful while kindling the yahrzeit candle to offer prayers of remembrance or reflect on your loved one’s life. Many also choose this time to make monetary donations in memory of loved ones

Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques

When remembering loved ones who have passed away, we invite you to commemorate their lives and blessings with a memorial plaque for the TBC wall of remembrance. Ordering information is available here.

Ten Minutes of Torah!

The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) provides rich resources for Torah study from a Reform perspective. Their Torah Study website includes "The Torah Explained," "Torah Portion Calendar" and an overview of each week's Torah portion. Click here to sign up today!

A reminder that the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County schedules a variety of programs that TBC members may find interesting.

Their calendar of upcoming events is available here. Those wishing to receive their weekly mailing list will find the registration form here.

ShopRaise Now for TBC!

Take advantage of the many discounts and other options ShopRaise offers and help support TBC! You'll even be able to track the cumulative amount your purchases have contributed. More information about ShopRaise for TBC can be found here.

You Can Make a Difference at TBC

Have you been thinking about making a donation to support TBC in some way? We have made it easier for you to do just that! Please check out our new Donate Now button below!

Tree of Life

Tzedakah Fund

Yahrzeit Memorial

TBC Links

Website - Calendar - Membership

Previous issues of Chailites and other Temple News are listed

on the TBC website here

Don't miss out. Like and follow us:

Contact Us

If you have TBC community news you'd like to share, please send the information to!

Temple B'nai Chaim    

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 305, Georgetown, CT 06829

Phone: 203 544-8695    

Location: 82 Portland Avenue, Wilton CT 06897 (Directions)

Cantor/Educator: Cantor Harriet Dunkerley

Assistant Director of Education: Elisheva Gluck

President: June Mara  

Office Manager/Facility Use: Denise Seccurra