Parshat Vayakhel - Pekudei • March 17, 2023 | |
Dr. Josh Levisohn
At the beginning of Shmot, we see the people of Israel building the cities and pyramids for Pharoah. Work described as עבודה - work that one does for a master, work that one does for someone else. At the end of Shmot, in this week’s Torah portion of Vayakhel, we see the people of Israel building the mishkan, G-d’s place on earth, כביכול. Although the Torah doesn’t specifically refer to this work, by inference we understand that it is called מלאכה - dignified work that one does for oneself.
Some people could not access last week's Dvar Torah - so here it is again.
Rabbi JJ Polter
In this week’s Parsha we read about the “Golden Calf” and the aftermath of the incident, starting with G-D’s plan to destroy the Jewish nation to Moshe’s requesting of G-D to ultimately forgive the nation.
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We were honored to welcome Rabbi Leiby Burnham from Partners in Torah to speak to parents, students and community members at Mishmar this week… talking about how to make current events relevant to our lives and extolling the Torah values inherent in the concept of Bitcoin. Thank you Rabbi Nemes for organizing tonight’s (and every Thursday) Mishmar and thank you Dr. Nathan Gonik for initiating these communal Mishmars!!
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Blueberries ? Bagels ? Tomatoes ? The Kittens in Morah O’s class learned what is chametz and what is not…and put pictures of the foods on different sides of the chart….
So much learning in the ECC about Pesach !!
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Tuesday, 3-14, was the first time that our 5th Graders learned about Pi!
They used the formula, c = 𝜋d to find the circumference of circles. They also created a frequency table of the first 100 digits of Pi, created Pi Day skylines, made Pi Day bracelets to represent the first digits of Pi and of course- ate pie!
Thank you Mrs. Howes!!
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In Mr. Wolowiec's 6th grade Earth Science class - the students presented their Human Impact projects. The growth of the human population has had some negative impact on earth and have changed natural systems like habitats, food chains, the climate and the appearance of earth. Choosing topics like Deforestation, Ozone Depletion, and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch the students had to consider why this topic is important and come up with some potential solutions to the problems.
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On Tuesday, Farber joined with schools across the country for National Yeshiva Signing Day, the day where high school seniors announce publicly where they are planning to study in Israel next year. Following the announcements, Rabbi Nemes offered Divrei Torah v’Bracha. Mazal Tov to our seniors!! And Mazal Tov to the Yeshivot !!
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Kol Hakavod to Eli Kanner, Farber Senior and first responder for United Hatzalah (whenever he is in Israel)! Eli and Adena Barenholtz, Farber parent and Director of the Detroit office of United Hatzalah, spoke to our High School students about the life- saving and crucial work of United Hatzalah.
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March 23 - 27, 2023
Good luck Varsity Team!!
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Thank you to everyone participating in our Hot Lunch fundraiser program. February Hot Lunch can be found by clicking HERE. March Hot Lunch can be found by clicking HERE
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer for Hot Lunch so far.
Volunteers must be vaccinated. Please click here to sign up for a time slot. If you have a flexible schedule and would like to be put on our "reserve" list in case of last minute cancellations, please contact us at
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Volunteer Opportunities
The PTO is always looking for volunteers to help out throughout the year. Whether you have a lot of time, or a little bit of time, volunteering with the PTO is an amazing way to meet people and feel connected to the Farber community.
You can sign up to volunteer by contacting us at
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2 opportunities to support Farber
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Support the PTO and outfit yourselves with Farber swag for Spirit Day, for theTanzman Tournament and just to promote our wonderful school around town!!
Shop HERE at our FHDS Spirit Store !
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We try to practice Hashavat Avedah - returning lost items - and will be highlighting lost and found items left in school.
If this is yours or if you have lost any article of clothing, please contact Amy Hager. You can also view our Lost and Found Slideshow by clicking here. Please consider labeling your children's clothing to help make this possible.
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At Farber, we fulfill our mission through our Five Core Values. The values represent the many layers of what it means to grow, live and engage the world as Modern Orthodox Jews. | | | | |