Parshat Terumah • February 24, 2023 | |
Rabbi Moshe Davis
Throughout the next five weeks the Torah takes us through the incredibly detailed and precise explanation of how to build the Mishkan and everything to be housed inside and around it as well as the instructions to the Kohanim regarding the clothes they will wear as they serve Hashem in the Mishkan. Is there any connection between these Parashiyot and the holiday of Purim which almost always falls out during this time?
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We were so excited to welcome parents and grandparents to come daven with us for Rosh Chodesh Adar! We look forward to having them come daven with us again!
Following davening, the elementary, middle and high school all came together for dancing!
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On Tu Bishvat, the ECC learned that it takes recycling 700 paper bags to save a tree! The ECC classes are now on a mission to collect paper bags to save a tree by Earth Day! If you would like to donate any paper bags, please drop them off at the front desk or in any ECC class!
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Dr. Levisohn taught the third graders about how to use Google Maps in preparation for their Project-Based Learning unit, which will integrate travel planning into a presentation of the best parts of Michigan. The students learned how to read the maps, how to figure out the way from their homes to the school, and how to find the fastest route for an itinerary that includes stops at many different places. They ended by figuring out an estimate for gas costs for their entire pretend trip. Stay tuned for more!
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The Middle Schoolers (and high school) enjoyed a beautiful breakfast prepared by Mr. Digadker to celebrate the first day of Rosh Chodesh and Mazal Tov to Ami Doppelt and his family on his Hanachat Tefillin!
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On Rosh Chodesh Adar, our high school students headed over to Darchei after davening to dance and celebrate Adar togehter.
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6:00 p.m. - JV vs. Austin Catholic - Away
Last game of the Farber Basketball season!
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Thank you to everyone participating in our Hot Lunch fundraiser program. February Hot Lunch can be found by clicking HERE. March Hot Lunch can be found by clicking HERE
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer for Hot Lunch so far.
Volunteers must be vaccinated. Please click here to sign up for a time slot. If you have a flexible schedule and would like to be put on our "reserve" list in case of last minute cancellations, please contact us at
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Volunteer Opportunities
The PTO is always looking for volunteers to help out throughout the year. Whether you have a lot of time, or a little bit of time, volunteering with the PTO is an amazing way to meet people and feel connected to the Farber community.
You can sign up to volunteer by contacting us at
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2 opportunities to support Farber
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Support the PTO and outfit yourselves with Farber swag for Spirit Day, for theTanzman Tournament and just to promote our wonderful school around town!!
Shop HERE at our FHDS Spirit Store !
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To celebrate Ryan Turell, the first Orthodox Jew to be drafted into an NBA franchise...there is Ryan Turell swag including Kippot by Klipped which actually stay on your head!!
A special discount is being offered to Farber families !
HERE is link to the web site - and here is the discount code just for Farber families and friends!
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We try to practice Hashavat Avedah - returning lost items - and will be highlighting lost and found items left in school.
If this is yours or if you have lost any article of clothing, please contact Amy Hager. You can also view our Lost and Found Slideshow by clicking here. Please consider labeling your children's clothing to help make this possible.
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At Farber, we fulfill our mission through our Five Core Values. The values represent the many layers of what it means to grow, live and engage the world as Modern Orthodox Jews. | | | | |