Wednesday, January 10, 2024


The weekly e-newsletter of

Central United Methodist Church

All are welcome!

Looking Ahead

January 14 1st Sunday after the Epiphany

Human Relations Day (offering)

January 21 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

January 28 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

Events This Week

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Human Relations Day (special offering)

11:00 AM Worship Service

Rev. Cam Treece, Senior Minister

Sermon: Come and See

Hymn: 451 Be Thou My Vision

Offertory: King Jesus Hath a Garden - Charles Wood

Anthem: The Blessed Son of God, from Hodie - R. Vaughan Williams

Gospel Lesson John 1:43-51

Hymn: 714 I Know Whom I Have Believed

Human Relations Day

Official date: January 14, 2024

You can support this Special Sunday by giving online at, through your local United Methodist Church or mail a check to:

GCFA. P.O. Box 340029, Nashville, TN 37203

Please include Human Relations Day in the note section of your check.


Human Relations Day is a denomination wide Special Sunday set aside to celebrate and raise awareness to further the development of better human relations by involving congregations in community and youth outreach. A special offering taken the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Gifts received for the offering build King’s vision of “the beloved community” through programs such as Community Developers and United Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs. Churches are encouraged to donate through their local churches or give online.

Worship Attendance

January 7, 2024 in person 120; on-line 121 views

December 31, 2023 in person 105; on-line 158 views


The Upper Room Sunday School Class


14 Jack Lawrence - Update of building project

Jack Lawrence has been asked to update the Upper Room Class on the Building progress this Sunday, Jan. 14. Doug Hurlbert will help Jack with the technical aspects of it all, and Bill Fitch, will give an update on the Building Fund Raising Committee. If you want to attend, it would be great; we need the support. If you cannot attend in- person, the class is available via zoom.

Look at the church e-newsletter next week and a link recording will be provided for you. Hope to see you Sunday.

21 Jeffrey Blount - Award winning author and writer of the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, and Meet the Press - Jeffrey is on tour for his new book . . .

Mr. Jimmy From Around the Way

28 - Arthur Holt


4 Arthur Holt


Invitation to UWF Local unit officer training

The date is Saturday, January 20th. 
All new officers, persons in new positions, persons not holding an office but thinking about accepting a position, please attend. 
Please bring someone else from your unit or a friend. Let me know how many plan to attend. As always we need to know how many "Cookies" are needed. 
Silver Hill UMC will provide coffee, juice, etc.
Best regards,
Carmen Amos
VP Spartanburg District UWF 
May our actions be a reflection of your love, a testimony to the grace that has transformed our lives. Guide us, Lord, to be selfless in our giving, humble in our service, and grateful in our hearts. Amen. 

2024 Pledges

To date, we have received 71 pledges for the 2024 Central operating budget. The total pledged is $405,436. This total is about $20,000 short of last year's pledges. If you plan to support our church with a pledge, please send it to Tammy Eaves, our financial secretary as soon as possible. Thanks for the continuing dedication to our church.

Stewardship Committee

Tuesday Bible Class

5pm (Fellowship Hall)

You are invited to join us! We are reading the Gospel of Matthew. Next meeting: January 16. All are welcome!

- Andy Crosland, teacher

Preschool Corner

Preschool for the Arts had a fantastic 2023 and we are really looking forward to what 2024 has in store. At this point we have grown to have 27 students enrolled. 

Our precious children got to enjoy an update to the playground with a turf area funded by a very generous donor.

One of the semester’s highlights was our "Artist of the Month" program: Suzanne Pryor worked with the children on painting the piano with handprints, Penny Holt really wowed our students with “Music Mondays”—they absolutely LOVED her violin!

Barbie Bordogna demonstrated some color magic and blessed us with all of her artistic talents. We can’t wait for Music with Dr. AL this month!

Another highlight of the fall was the purchase of our new Baby Buggy—it’s a 6-person stroller that will allow our students to enjoy a nice stroll through Central Park or a field trip to Chapman Cultural Center. The buggy was funded through several donors, and we are eternally grateful for their generosity.

We would also like to thank the congregation for your support at our Christmas Bazaar: the event raised over $800. We are already working on items and new ideas for next year!

If you would like to volunteer as a story reader or baby holder, please contact Suzanne Pryor (864-580-8530) or Brittany Wolfe (864-582-7245).

As always, we thank you for your unwavering support of our program.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Pat Hasty. Pat was a founding member of our Board and a regular volunteer at preschool. She was active in every aspect of Preschool for the Arts from recruiting new students to reading stories and rocking babies. It is an absolute blessing that we had her on our team.

Donations received:

In Memory of Pat Hasty: $300

Total for 2023: $31,000

 Upstate Friends Meetings

All worship services will be held at 3pm on Sundays and the Zoom connection will be:

They meet in person on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm in

Central's Fellowship Hall.

Next in-person meeting: Feb. 4, 2024

A social break follows the service with snacks.

Sacred Traditions And Rituals

Sunday Evening, January 14, 2024

Six o'clock

Central UMC - Fellowship Hall

God's Conformity

a service devoted to divine diversity

Despite the loudest voices shouting for a monochromatic looking world, that wasn't the original plan that God had in mind at creation. The animals looked different; there was land and bodies of water; light and dark; sunshine and rain; variety in plants; and eventually, two very different human beings. From the beginning of time, the diversity of the Divine has been evident and identifiable in Holy Writings.

As part of our service, we will celebrate Divine Diversity and in our S.T.A.R. New Year's tradition, we will pass out the resolutions STARS for the year-to-come!

About our Services and Gatherings

When we gather for Tranquility with Tea and Prayers for the World, these are quiet reminders of an on-going need for balance and harmony. All of our Gatherings remain filled with the creative charge and dynamic sense of being part of God's creation in a variety of ways. As creation-centered friends, we are artists, dancers, musicians, writers, storytellers, poets, earth-care-givers, theologians, and celebrators of creations...from a variety of backgrounds.

Please continue to pray for. . .


Thomas Bridges, Dave & Eloise Clyburn, Hasty/Stelz family, Doris Wilson & Mike Johnson, Joan Johnson, Jimmy Painter, Bob Perrin, Carolyn Rickenbaker, Barbara Ropp, June Sereque, Becky Smith, Tinder and Wyatt family

Family & Friends

Adrianne, Beverly, Dwight, Jeff, Mary Beth (friends of Claudia Lange, Luther Rickenbaker's step-daughter), Susan & Greg Brown (relatives of Dexter Bridges), Mark Campbell (friend of Luther Rickenbaker), Charlotte Hall, Danny Harling, Caroline Broyles Henson, Megan Kendall (friend of Nonie & Kathy Hudnall), Carla Lacey (friend & neighbor of Pat Franklin), Sheila Lindsey (friend of Patricia Painter), Jane McKenzie, Robbie Sholde, Dr. Melissa Reitmeier (friend of Paul & Sue Lansberry), Griffin Rousseau and family (friends of Marty and Susan Taylor), Rachel Thompson (friend of Marty and Susan Taylor), Caroline Vizzuto (friend of David Earl and Jeannie Shelley's family), Ann Willard, Judy Workman, Becky Wyatt’s mother, and Lee Wylie

Members’ Extended Family

Martha Bordogna, Donna Copeland (Chuck Clark’s mother) Betty Jackson (Kay Lawrence’s mother), Ashley Parker (Kay & Jack Lawrence's son-in-law) and Martha Petoskey

In Assisted Living or Nursing Homes

Cecil Abrams, Mary Hines, Gladys Hudgens, Mildred Ragan, & Tom Wilkes



Once again, the always popular and entertaining Talent Extravaganza is coming back to The Mary Jane Lanford Fellowship Hall at Central UMC.


WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2024 at 6:30 PM immediately following our Wednesday night supper

We welcome singers, players of musical instruments, comedians, wannabe comedians, skits, duets, trios, quartets, and any other performers, young or not-so-young eager to show their skills to a willing audience.


All potential performers should contact Al Jeter at 864-585-7308, email: or

Bill Fitch, 864- 621-5126, email:

As usual, a shortage of volunteers will bring out a semi-forceful recruiting effort by the talent show hosts.

Make sure this event is on your calendar.


2 Dean Norman

3 Doug Hurlbert

5 Mary Jane Lanford, Jennie Montgomery

8 Marilyn Burtnett, Meryl Grace Fallat

10 Jennifer Coggins

11 David Harrelson

12 Jeff Lane

15 Caroline Berry, Kathy Worley

16 Susan Bennett, Rick Wyatt

17 Dennis Jurs

18 Mandy Fallat, Jim Spencer

20 Dave Clyburn, Nonie Hudnall

21 Bill Mount

24 Barbara Latham, Terry Pruitt

25 Dwight Patterson

26 Mary Lou Miller

28 Brian Rawlinson

29 Al Jeter, John Reeves

30 Barbie Bordogna, Emily Maultsby

Altar Flowers

Please contact:

Kathy Worley, Memorial Secretary, to place flowers on the calendar. Thank you!

We have openings in January & February.

Call: (864) 978-0294

Wednesday Night Supper

January 17


Chili and the fixins, Baked Potato, Salad, Dessert, Coffee & Tea

Church Announcements for

Central Time or Sunday bulletin

If you have an announcement that you would like to appear in the Central Time, Sunday bulletins, on social media, or on the church's website, please submit that information to: before noon on Mondays. Thank you!

Ways to Give to Central

We continue to be deeply grateful for continued support of the mission and ministry of Central Church. There are a few ways to continue to make offerings extremely easy.

  1. The US mail always works. We are at 233 North Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29306.
  2. Contact the Financial Secretary to set up a recurring gift through an automatic bank draft.
  3. VANCO Mobile
  4. On the homepage on the church's website there is a "Give" link. Once you set up that app any additional gifts are as easy as one or two clicks.

Central United Methodist Church



Wofford Lifelong Learning

Email us at

(864) 274-2917

Lifelong Learning

Director, Lifelong Learning at Wofford

864-274-2917 (main)

864-597-5304 (direct)

Website: Lifelong Learning at Wofford

WINTER TERM: Jan. 8 - Feb. 2, 2024



To Pat Hasty by Dee Goforth, Marlene Gary, Debra Le Master, Joe & Ruth Lesesne, Nautilus Fitness Center, John & Carol Reeves

To Kent Tinder by Joe & Ruth Lesesne


Central (864) 582-7263


Central's website

Central United Methodist

founded 1837

Palmetto Moravian Fellowship

The next worship service with the Moravians is scheduled for Sunday, February 4, at 9:00 AM in the Cannon Memorial Chapel - Central UMC.

Central Office Hours:

Monday through Friday


Mission Statement:

"Our purpose is making

and nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ."

Get text notifications from Central
To sign up, text the word "Central" to 864-661-4726. After texting the keyword to this phone number, you will receive a reply asking for some simple info. Please click the link, include your name, and submit the form. You will be signed up! Any questions, contact Rev. Paige Wolfe.