Two Clinical & Research Centers of Excellence Announced
Pheo Para Alliance is proud to announce that Clinical & Research Center of Excellence (CRCE) designations have been awarded to Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and  The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. The two centers are the first to receive the CRCE designation, which recognizes centers that provide high-quality, multi-disciplinary adult and pediatric care and have a comprehensive pheo para research program. The program now includes ten Clinical Centers of Excellence and two Clinical & Research Centers of Excellence.
Welcome Lisa Anderson to the Board of Directors
Lisa Anderson is a “mother on a mission” determined to help others avoid a long and excruciating journey toward a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma diagnosis. After seeking answers for nearly 5 years that would explain her college-aged son’s debilitating symptoms (headaches, blood pressure swings, irregular heartrate, sweating, nausea, vomiting and extreme panic/anxiety), a suspicion of a pheochromocytoma tumor was finally discovered through incidental testing by a gastroenterologist who ordered an ultrasound to investigate a potential gallbladder issue. The time from diagnosis to tumor removal surgery became a whirlwind of searching PubMed articles about pheo, coordinating with the surgical team, cross-checking every well-intended medication, and caring for her precariously sick son who required 24-hour hospital care until the surgery date.
Better Together Gala Raises over $40,000!
The event, held on September 10 in Bethesda, MD, honored the Collins Family in their lifelong fight against this illness. Mentalist, Oz Pearlman, stunned attendees with his mind-reading and mentalist capabilities!

Over $40,000 was raised to support the mission of Pheo Para Alliance. Thank you to our dedicated sponsors, Betsy Herold, David Herold & Progenics.
The 6th Annual Symposium on Pheochromocytoma will take place on October 19-22 in Prague, Czech Republic at Charles University one of the oldest universities in the world. The symposium brings together the leading worldwide experts in basic, clinical, and translational pheo research. The symposium welcomes patients and will have several sessions devoted to patient management, including unique case presentations and in-person discussions with expert physicians on their approach to the workup, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with this tumor. 

Special Thanks to Our Dedicated Phundraising Phriends!
Teena Price, Board Member & Phundraiser Extradordinaire held a Flash Gordon Movie Premiere Fundraiser on September 30 in Davis, CA. Her son, Elias, was really the mastermind behind the whole thing by selling sponsorships and securing auction items.

Our little rare disease can't do it without super phriends with Anne, Dan & Teena. If you are interested in holding a fundraiser this holiday season reach out to us, we have resources to make it easy and fun!
We are tremendously lucky to have some amazing phriends that have been busy fundraising for those affected by pheo para. Anne Licker and Dan Licker each held their own fundraisers to benefit Pheo Para Alliance the past few months! Anne continues to fundraise through her passion for the Buffalo Bills with minute pools and Dan raised funds through his Pour for the Cause Fundraiser! Go Team Licker!
International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance Summit
Stephanie Alband, Executive Director of Pheo Para Alliance attended INCA's Annual Summit in Libson, Portugal at the end of September. Dozens of member organizations were present to learn, share and connect with one another on patient advocacy and NET topics. Stephanie serves on the INCA Board of Directors and as the Communications Chair.
On NET Cancer Day, November 10
Healing Breathwork Class
10am PT/1pm ET

Inner Alchemy founder Jeremie Paulus will spend the hour teaching us about the science of breath and how to use breathing techniques to reduce stress and increase happiness.
Effective Communication with Your Healthcare Team
3pm PT/6pm ET

Patient-moderated discussion on how to effectively communicate with your healthcare team to ensure that every provider you see remains actively engaged in ensuring optimal clinical outcomes.
Pheo Para Alliance is supported through the generosity of the community. Make a tax- deductible donation today to join us in the fight against pheo and para.