Dear Monica,

May brings new rhythms to campus ministry. We've accompanied students through final exams and projects. We've blessed and celebrated our graduates. This month our board and student leaders take some time to pause, reflect on the year that has passed, and start thinking about the summer and the next school year.

This year we revised and updated our Welcome Statement. Our student community led the revision process throughout the year and the LECM Board ratified the new statement at their April meeting. Our new Welcome Statement reads:

Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry is committed to creating a sense of belonging, as a loving and welcoming community of faith for all, centered in the good news of Jesus Christ. We respect and nurture our differences including, but not limited to, age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and ability; veteran, family, and socio-economic statuses; and cultural, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

We strive to live as a reconciling people in our lives together and in our outreach to our world. We will advocate for the needs of ourselves and others by being willing to learn, grow, and reconstruct our values. We commit ourselves to the necessary anti-racist, environmental, social, and educational work of the world and our place therein.

As we prepare for summer activities and the fall semester, these commitments will continue to guide how we gather, connect, and grow in community together. I am especially grateful for the wisdom and care of our student leaders as we did this work together!

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry, we are grateful you are on this journey with us!

Grace and peace,

Pr. Monica


Finals Time!

Each year LECM hosts space for students to study and take a breath as they prepare for final exams and projects. This year, student leaders hosted a popular Ramen Bar, complete with all kinds of toppings! Students dropped in throughout the evening to study, check-in, get some food, and pick up a finals care package filled with goodies from our partner congregations!

At our annual End of the Year Cookout we shared our last Sunday meal together, blessed graduating students, and celebrated the arrival of spring. Thank you to the LECM Board for helping to host this celebration!

LECM at Synod Assembly

Did you know the campus ministries of the Rocky Mountain Synod can send two students as voting delegates to Assembly? It's true! Our two student delegates teamed up with folks from other campus ministries and our partners churches to share about campus ministry, call a new bishop, and do other important work of the church. THANK YOU to our student delegates!

See All Upcoming Events


Kaia Duke '24

Kaia Duke (she/they) is graduating with her Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology at UNC. In Greeley, they found a home amongst friends in their academic cohort and in LECM. She is grateful to LECM for providing a space of love, friendship, challenge, and support. Kaia has especially enjoyed visiting the many congregations that support LECM, meeting the individuals of the church, and making friends with the other campus ministries. The end of 2024 will see Kaia moved back to Pasadena to run in the mountains, swim in the ocean, adventure with their partner, and put faith into action.


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Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry, 1844 11th Ave, Greeley, CO 80631. 

Thank you for your support for our students and young adults!

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Stay Connected!

Rev. Monica Butler, Pastor


1844 11th Ave

Greeley, CO 80631

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