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Family Engagement Resources & Updates - May-June, 2023
Celebrating the End of the School Year!
Smiling white woman - Cambria Russell
Cambria Russell
Director of MASFEC
The end of the school year is a significant milestone for every child, filled with opportunities for reflection, celebration, and appreciation. This is a time to honor their unique journey, growth, and personal accomplishments.

Let's explore ways we can celebrate the end of the school year, not only for academic achievements but also for the lessons learned!

Resources from MASFEC

MASFEC is dedicated to providing timely and relevant family engagement resources to both families and educators. Each year, we conduct a statewide survey to gather your feedback. This information helps us understand your experiences and needs. Your responses will guide us in our effort to help schools and families work together.

Graphic indicating a starting point and end point with title School Navigation
School Options in Massachusetts
Looking for a quick overview of the many kinds of schools available in Massachusetts? Career & Technical, Charter, Virtual Schools and more are covered in this blog post from the School Finder Help Line!

Smiling, diverse group of three kids in swimsuits running out of the ocean water.
I Don’t Know What To Do this Summer!
Are you struggling to find activities for your child this summer? We know it can be difficult to navigate the changing guidelines and opportunities for the summer. Here are some steps you can take to find the right fit for your family. Good luck!
Workshops & Trainings
Illustration of two cups of coffee - one has a superman insignia, the other has a wonder woman insignia. Text reads: Educator Professional Development.
Positive Solutions: Train the Trainer
Do you have a passion for social emotional learning and want to promote it in your community? If so, then consider signing up for the FREE Positive Solutions For Families train the trainer series, where you will learn about resources to share with your professional and caregiver communities. Read more here!

Five sessions are offered each month from January through June of 2022. Contact Bridget Koetsch at bkoetsch@fcsn.org more details or Learn more and register here!

Space is still available in the June cohort: June 6, 7, 8, 13, 15 from 5-7pm
ICYMI: Family Engagement Practices for IEP Teams
The Federation for Children with Special Needs has partnered with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and other organizations as part of the IEP Improvement Project. Included in this work was the development of a course to support school staff in meaningfully including students and families. The course can be completed at your own pace and includes many MASFEC resources.

Family Engagement News!
Cover of Carnegie Foundation report, depicting an African American teacher or nonprofit worker smiling as  Latino mother reads to her young child. The cover reads Becoming an Ally: Partnering with Immigrant Families to Support student success.
Partnering with Immigrant Families to Promote Student Success

The Carnegie Corporation of New York commissioned a report outlining recommendations and best practices to build effective family-school partnerships with immigrant families.

"All children deserve access to the best education possible, regardless of their racial and socioeconomic background or personal circumstances. Family engagement is a tool for social and educational justice and serves as the foundation for equity work.

From cultural differences and language barriers to limited resources, undocumented immigration status, and anti-immigrant sentiment, immigrants face distinct challenges that may impact their interactions with schools and communities. Effective family engagement practices can empower immigrant families to better support their children’s learning, improving student outcomes and advancing equity."

Check out the full report here.
Word cloud that includes the words MASFEC, Family Engagement, meaningful, partnership, active, supportive
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Massachusetts Statewide Family Engagement Center
529 Main Street, Suite 1M3 | Boston, MA 02129
617.236.7210 | www.masfec.org