(910) 295-1934
Habitat Newsletter
Sept/Oct 2021
CEO Day Kicks off the 2022 Business Build

Every year the Business Build brings together local executives and leaders to help transform our community at CEO Day. CEO Builders join forces to raise hammers, power tools, and funds to help hard-working families build strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable housing.

In addition to providing a unique networking opportunity, the CEO Build Day provides the employer a look at the top-quality, energy-efficient homes that Habitat builds. Executives, who have the opportunities to engage employees in building stronger families, become informed and are well equipped to talk to employees about the Habitat Homeowner process. This is a chance for our local business owners and executives to give back to the employees that work so hard to support our manufacturing and services industries.

The Business Build homeowner-in-progress, Easter Pate. has been working at Pinehurst Resort in the housekeeping department for over 20 years and is currently an administrative supervisor. She is a hands-on person who has done all of her 300 sweaty equity hours by herself, the majority on the construction site. The skills she learned on the construction site and the homeowner classes will empower her to be a successful homeowner. Her supervisor Rosemary Aribo shared this comment with us. " Easter plays a major role in our success everyday! I am so proud of her and her accomplishments!"
Pinehurst Resort Team: Jo Kenzel, Tom Pashley, Easter Pate, and Rosemary Aribo
Raising the walls can be an emotional time for the homeowners as they watch their dreams and aspirations take shape. It is the most popular volunteer day. We are grateful to everyone who came out to kick off this build on an absolutely glorious day!
Jamie Wooten
Junior League

Fallon Brewington
Boys and Girls Club
George Manley
Bell Manley Real Estate
Linda Parsons
Moore Chamber of Commerce

Kathy Thompson
Ace Hardware
Angela Davis
Pinehurst Surgical Clinic

Lori West
Pure Barre/Clean Juice

Robert Bortins
Classical Conversations

Mark Joas
Shave Shop

Rick Ford
Sandhills Habitat
Brandon Enfinger
Pinehurst Medical Clinic

Linda Parsons
Moore Chamber of Commerce

Frank Quis
Chair, Moore County Commissioner

Kirk Lynch
Sandhills Community College

Keith Moneymaker
Sweet Dream Mattresses
Phil Werz
Convention Visitor Bureau

Lori Degree
Sandhills Community College
Tony Fairley
Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices
Nathan Cherry
Hicks and Associates
Angela Thompson
Keller Williams

Amy Natt
Aging Outreach Services
We are hiring AmeriCorps members!!!
We are hiring AmeriCorps members!!! Would you like to spend 10.5 months leading volunteers on our construction site? You will gain hands-on construction and leadership skills! Plus, you will receive a living allowance and educational grant - full time and part time roles available! Email a resume or interest email to afraley@sandhillshabitat.org for more information! You won’t regret it - we pretty much rock!!!
Save the Date! Tuesday October 12th
at the Railhouse!
Apostles Build Committee
Announces Annual Drive for Habitat Homes!

“Why don’t we do this every year instead of once every other year?” This question arose numerous times when volunteers from area churches worked alongside each other, Ofelia Lopez, Ofelia’s brother, and Adam, the construction supervisor.  

Ofelia’s home was built as an Apostles Build 12 churches or coalitions of churches are charged with assisting in Habitat’s mission to build a decent shelter in partnership with a local family in need. When 12 churches work together to share the costs and labor commitment, each church is considered an “apostle church.” Together they form a coalition to sponsor one or more houses.

Apostles Build was an every other year undertaking in Moore County. As more volunteers talked, often through masks and while social distancing, the answer to the query seemed to take shape: “We should build every year; we can find the way; let’s do it!” And they did, almost all the volunteer build days have been filled with crews from area churches.

If your church is not yet involved, please contact Dan Joslin, Faith Relations Ambassador, at danjoslin2@aol.com or 910-295-1799 or plan to come to our Faith Relations Meeting, every third Thursday at noon hosted by one of our Faith Partners.
Faith Relations Lunch
Wednesday, October 20th at 12:00pm
First United Methodist of Rockingham
410 E Washington Street

Also available on Zoom! Click on the link below to RSVP. We are looking for community partners and volunteers to advocate for affordable housing for a hard working family in the Sandhills! Please RSVP to Amie at (910)-295-1934 ext. 8.

Cashiers Needed at Habitat ReStore
As summer comes to an end and our high school youth return to school, the Restore needs volunteers for our cashier positions. Cashiers work a set schedule of 4 hours with a.m. and p.m. shifts available Tuesday-Saturday. We do ask that cashiers commit to a set day and time as accountability is important with this position.
We will hold our orientation followed by a group training session on October 16th at 10 a.m.
Homeowner Wendy Jones Speaks

"Habitat of Humanity's annual open session is here and ready to assist families with affordable homeownership."

As I write this piece, I wondered the best way to inform the community about a program that allows you to own your own home here in Moore County.   
First, I will address two common myths, Habitat of Humanity gives away free homes, and the program is for poor people.
I applied during the open session in 2019, and I was accepted to earn assistance with purchasing a home. I am like many people in the community working non-stop for over ten years in Moore County. I raised my family on an income that afforded me the luxury of renting a roof over our heads. But like many people I wanted more for myself and my family, an affordable mortgage. Habitat of Humanity does not give away free homes, I worked hard with the organization and did the requirements to earn my home. The second myth, you must be poor to attain assistance from Habitat. That is not true you can work and earn a good income and still qualify for assistance to become a homeowner. There are income guidelines and credit score minimums but that comes with any program that helps people, and mortgage companies also need this information when you are applying for a mortgage. Instead of being afraid that my application would be rejected I focused on the buying a home aspect and put my application in. I am proud to tell you that we will be moving in our new home this month.  
I encourage you to reach out during the Habitat of Humanity annual open session do the application and take a chance on yourself. This is a hand up not a handout program, and your dream of homeownership may come true.  Everyone Deserves a Safe and Affordable Place to Live!!

~Wendy Jones
Wendy's Habitat Home Dedication
Repair Volunteers Needed
We are looking for Repair volunteers!
No experience necessary! We are recruiting 3-7 volunteers who can help us serve non-habitat home owners so they may age in place safely. Please sign up sandhillshabitat.org or click on the button below!
Can you spare a day each month to build a wheelchair ramp or porch?
Best of the Pines Winners!
We did it! Our Habitat team won three categories in the Best of the Pines!

First Place for Best Thrift Shop
Best Place to Buy Used Furniture
Second Place for Best Place to give Time and Money!

Thank you to everyone who voted us in!!!
Christy Geist "The Pallet Queen"
Home Decor/Houseware
103 Volunteer Hours

Christy Geist moved from Fairfax, Virgina where she worked as a finance manager for William Sonoma. Her Husband was in the Air Force so they spent time in Germany, England, Texas and DC. They were introduced to Pinehurst through her mother and step dad who had lived here before.

Deb Wimberly introduced her to Habitat and she started volunteering in March because she wanted to do something with her free time that was worth while. Christy is a "people person" and likes that people are here because they want to be, NOT because they have to be.

" I likes that everyday is different and I am not sitting at a desk!"
~ Christy Geist
Free Donation Pick Up Service
with new Online Donation Scheduling

Need More Guidance?
Call 910-295-2798
Press 1 for Donation Scheduling

New to the Moore County
or New to Habitat?
We welcome you to join us the third
Saturday of every month.

Are you new to Habitat? Are you interested in volunteering or partnering with us in the future? Here is your chance to find out exactly how everything here at Habitat works and get your questions answered! 

Saturday, October 16th from 10:00 AM- 10:45 AM, we will be hosting a New to Habitat Orientation. You can attend this orientation from the comfort of your own home via Zoom or join us in the office (2268 NC Highway 5 in Aberdeen)! 

If you would like to attend, RSVP by simply commenting below or email volunteer@sandhillshabitat.org! We appreciate all that you do to help support Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills and look forward to seeing you Saturday!
Our Leadership Team
Lisa Fagan, Chairman
Fallon Brewington , Vice Chair
Karen Reese May, Secretary
Kirk Lynch, Treasurer
Amie Fraley, Executive Director
Al Beranek
Charles Cobb
Len DiNapoli
Daphine Dudley
Karen Dulmage
Tim Dwyer
Bob Friesen
Robin Porter Graham
Fran Grandinetti
Jana Green
Jim Hart
Jeff Hutchins
Tim Maples
Bob McVay
Helen Probst Mills
Mary Rocca
Tracy Thomas
Everyone Deserves a Safe and Affordable Place to Live
All Donations are Appreciated!
Because we partner with our suppliers' Habitat can often get building materials at or below cost which stretches every dollar, $50 can buy doorknobs for a Habitat Home!

Please visit our website to get more information about our Donor Appreciation Level.

www.sandhillshabitat.org (910) 295-1934