June 3, 2024
Celebrating Pride Month in DPS
Dear Team DPS,

Today is the beginning of Pride Month! This month of celebration and advocacy began after the 1969 Stonewall riots and continues today to ensure that LGBTQ+ identity is visible, joyful and bold. LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit and the many ways people identify their gender and/or sexual orientation.

I want to applaud the work already happening in our district, especially that of the incredible sponsors of Genders and Sexualities Alliances (GSA) in our schools. Staff members such as teachers, nurses, paraprofessionals, social workers, librarians, counselors, psychologists and school leaders support and uplift LGBTQ+ students every day. They help create environments where students feel safe and welcome and play a crucial part in improving the Student, Adult and System Experiences outlined in the DPS Strategic Roadmap.

At the district level, DPS’ policies are at the forefront of best practices in LGBTQ+ inclusion. Names and pronouns can be changed in Infinite Campus without legal documentation. Students and staff can select from multiple gender options on all DPS paperwork, and we’ve removed questions about sex assigned at birth from the school registration process. We also hired a dedicated staff member who works to improve and amplify LGBTQ+ experiences in 2019 and built a gender-inclusive bathroom at the Denver School of the Arts using funds from the 2020 bond. Most importantly, we are committed to continuing the important work of shifting mindsets in order to create a true environment of welcoming and belonging for all in DPS. 

I invite you to join in on recognizing and celebrating Pride Month to affirm and amplify the voices of our LGBTQ+ community members and continue working toward LGBTQ+ equity. Stay tuned to the DPS social media pages and newsletters for Pride Month features and resources. Keep an eye out for DPS in the Denver Pride Parade on June 23. If you are interested in marching with us, please fill out this form. All DPS students, team members and families are welcome, but space is limited!

In collaboration,

Dr. Alex Marrero
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