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Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, we thank you for your unwavering commitment, your hard work, and the HOPE that you give to your patients, students, colleagues, and communities! During National Nurses Month, we invite you to join us in celebrating by participating in three campaigns: 


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Nurses are HOPE and that HOPE runs deep in families, with multiple generations proudly representing the nursing profession! Did a family member inspire you to be a nurse? Have you inspired the next generation in your family to continue the tradition? Share your pride in your family's registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses. Let everyone know your family tree is filled with nurses by sending a photo of you and your nurse family members to MNA! Photos received by May 31st will be featured on the MNA website, and our related social media.  Don’t delay - Photos received by May 15th will also be included in the upcoming Summer issue of MS RN. Send your photos to dinman@msnurses.org.

(Please only include photos of individuals age 18 and older. By submitting a photo, you certify that MNA has consent to use your and your included family member’s name, portrait, picture or photograph as part of the Mississippi Nurses’ Association events, activities, social media, and publications.)




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Florence Nightingale was the lady with the lamp, bringing light and hope to injured soldiers during the Crimean War. As Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, you continue the Nightingale legacy, advancing the nursing profession, assuring access to high-quality health care for all, and spreading hope to those in need. What is your Vision of HOPE for the future of nursing? What one word comes to mind that best depicts your vision? What do you hope the nursing profession will be in the future? Help us share your ONE word Vision of HOPE by posting your comment under a Vision of HOPE post on the MNA Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/mnanurses/) through May 25th to be included in a random prize drawing. The winner will be announced on the MNA Facebook page.  


(By posting your comment on the MNA Facebook page, you certify that MNA has your consent to use your post along with your name and photo as part of the Mississippi Nurses’ Association events, activities, social media, and publications.)





Mississippi Nurses, let your talents show in MNA’s Art of HOPE! Do you enjoy painting, photography, or composing poetry? MNA knows we have numerous Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who are talented artists. During the past two years, many nurses have embraced art as a way to reduce stress and enhance self-expression. We want to showcase your talents during National Nurses Month. Share your art - including paintings, drawings, photographs, poetry, etc. that expresses your HOPE.  Photos received by May 31st will be featured on the MNA website, our related social media, and included in the Fall issue of the MS RN.  Send your Art of HOPE photo to dinman@msnurses.org by May 31st and be included in a prize drawing.  The winner will be notified via the email used in the winner’s original submission.


(By submitting a photo of your art, including, but not limited to paintings, drawings, sculptures, poetry, photography, and mixed media, you certify that MNA has your consent to use your submission and your name as part of the Mississippi Nurses’ Association events, activities, social media, and publications. If submitting a photo of a photograph or portrait of an individual, please only include individuals age 18 and older.)




Mississippi Nurses' Association


Phone: (601) 898-0670

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