Celebrating Chicago Sky Champions at the Capitol!
Yesterday my colleagues and I met Dana Evans and the head coach of Chicago Sky on the House floor to celebrate their victory! I am so proud of our city and the women that made this win possible.
(Pictured above in order of appearance: Lt. Governor Julianna Stratton, Dana Evans, Representative Kelly Cassidy, Toi Hutchinson)
As we are on the House floor for veto session we are gearing up to address some of the larger ticket items on this week's agenda including:

  • electronic vehicle manufacturing incentive bill
  • repeal of parental notice of abortion bill - this passed the Senate yesterday and is expected to be called on the House floor today
  • healthcare right of conscious amendment - to ensure there are no loop holes in state law related to testing requirements for COVID-19
  • federally qualified healthcare sunset deadline extension- so that facilities can continue performing medical forensic exams for survivors of sexual assault
  • expanding voting rights to those formerly incarcerated

While we have a consolidated calendar for veto session and are only expected to be in until Thursday evening. In order for these bills to pass during veto session with an immediate effective date, they require a super majority vote which means 71 in the House. I will be providing a recap on veto session in my upcoming newsletter.
Annual Fall Coat Drive
Every year my office hosts an annual coat drive to keep our most vulnerable neighbors warm during the winter months, and every year our community delivers in helping gather hundreds of coats and winter items for our local schools and community organizations. I hope this year you will help support our annual drive once more. A wish list can be found on Target's website linked in the flyer below.
Halloween on Catalpa
For their second year, AlleyCat Comics, in association with 40th WardSSA #22 and the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce, is hosting Halloween on Catalpa, a socially-distanced trick-or-treat grab & go experience at Catalpa Avenue.

Date: Saturday, October 30
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm 
Location: Catalpa Ave. (between Clark and Ashland)

All attendees will receive free Halloween treats, including a bag of candy and a pumpkin. Gluten-free candy bags will be provided by defloured: a gluten-free bakery. Trick-or-treaters can also snap a photo with a superhero courtesy of AlleyCat Comics, and enjoy entertainment from Gus Giordano Dance School (1:00-2:00pm) and Chicago brass band Environmental Encroachment (2:00-4:00pm).

In order to ensure social-distancing, families are asked to register for a 20-minute time slot in advance here. Slots from 10:00-10:40am are designated for children with sensory sensitivities and disabilities. The event will open to the public after 1:00pm. All participants two years and older are required to wear a face mask. Halloween masks will not suffice unless a face mask is also worn underneath. Dogs are also welcome to attend in costume (no masks required!).
Trick-Or-Treating Through The Andersonville Business District
The longtime tradition of trick-or-treating through the Andersonville business also returns this year, with more than 40 businesses handing out candy and other treats.

Date: Saturday, October 30
Time: 11:00am-4:00pm

Trick-or-Treaters can pick up a map of businesses at Catalpa Ave. or access a virtual map on the Halloween in Andersonville page. The Chamber is following Illinois’ Guidelines for Trick or Treating. All businesses will be stationed outdoors and will follow COVID safety protocols including masks, gloves and hand sanitizing.
George's Candy Delivery System Contest
George's Ice Cream & Sweets is hosting its popular “Candy Delivery System Contest” from October 18 – 31. Young inventors are invited to create candy chutes, pipes, launchers and pulley systems to deliver candy from the door/window to an awaiting trick-or-treater at the other end.
Contest Rules:

  1. Create a fun, creative way to deliver candy from a step, stoop, doorway, or window to a participant on the sidewalk.
  2. Record how your invention works and mention your favorite ice cream at George's.
  3. Post on Instagram and tag @georgesicecream and @avillechamber.
  4. Winners of the most inventive and incredible candy delivery systems will be chosen on Halloween!
Know Your Rights Housing Virtual Event
Important Eviction Resources and Information
Thanks again to all those who attended our virtual Know Your Rights Housing Virtual Event in partnership with Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing and Housing Action Illinois. Provided below are some resources from the presentation as well as important information provided by the Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing with guidance on steps to take if you receive an eviction court summons.
Rental, Housing, and Mortgage Assistance
The Lawyers Committee for Better Housing's (LCBH) rental assistance program is open and available now. Residents in need can call 312-784-3527 to speak with a case manager or can visit their website.

For more information, see the flyers below.
Restore, Reinvest and Renew (R3) Program
The Office of Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) are implementing the Restore, Reinvest and Renew (R3) Program, which reinvests 25% of adult-use cannabis tax revenues into communities most impacted by the war on drugs. The R3 Program Board approved the first awardees funding announced in January 2020.  At that time, the Board awarded $31.5 million in grants to 80 organizations that provide violence prevention, economic development, civil legal aid, youth development and re-entry services throughout the state.  
The second Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will become available during the winter of 2021. The Lieutenant Governor and ICJIA want to ensure that small, community-based organizations that serve neighborhoods eligible for funding can become Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) compliant prior to the release of the NOFO and are well-equipped to submit a successful application.  
To support those organizations, ICJIA offers a free, self-guided online course that covers the basics of applying for state grants, including setting a budget, writing a program narrative and establishing compliance with the GATA. Registered participants are also able to access live sessions to ask questions about GATA compliance and the components of a grant application.  
ICJIA will also be offering technical assistance opportunities that are specific to the R3 NOFO. These trainings will be released after the NOFO is posted. You can find more information on the flyer below. Information about technical assistance opportunities will also be shared via the ICJIA email list
They are also looking for reviewers who will evaluate applications to the R3 program and other state grant opportunities. Reviewers play a critical role in helping ICJIA distribute critical grant funds and ensuring that state funds are distributed equitably. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, sign up using this survey.  
Senior Home Repair Program
Northside Community Resources' Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS) Program provides improvements that allow senior citizens to remain in their homes. Repair types are limited to minor repairs that may include, but are not limited to: ramps, hand rails/grab bars, lever faucets, door repairs, floor repairs, bathroom repairs, kitchen repairs, carbon monoxide detectors, etc. They can also make crucial repairs to flooring, walls, doors, stairways and additional areas of the home.

  • Must be a Chicago resident
  • Must live in one of the following wards: 38, 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
  • Must be 60 years or older
  • Must be a homeworker in a single family home or condo with 7 or less units in the building.
  • Must have income less than 80% of Median Income

For more information, you can contact Mrs. Violet Espinoza NCR Senior Services Manager at 773-338-7733 Extension 21 or by email at violet@northsidecr.org. For more information, you can visit their website.
Erie Family Health Centers Is Hiring
Erie Family Health Centers (Erie) is currently in need of Medical Assistants and Call Center Representatives. They provide jobs that offer competitive pay including generous bonuses, comprehensive benefits, and career advancement opportunities.

For more information, see the flyers below.
IPPA Donation to A Just Harvest
In an effort to get valuable protein further into our local Illinois communities, the Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA) again hosted a “Pass the Bacon” campaign in honor of October Pork Month. In this campaign, they donated over 1500 boxes of bacon to food pantries and food pantries on legislators' behalves throughout the month of October.

The food pantry of choice that I nominated, A Just Harvest, was chosen to receive 25 boxes of bacon! I am thankful for the IPPA's donation on my behalf.
Women's Justice Institute Domestic Violence Awareness Event
The Women's Justice Institute is hosting an online event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Twenty incarcerated survivors of gender-based violence at Logan Correctional Center have written a performance about their own experiences of surviving abuse and being criminalized for their survival. The event will premiere their recorded performance and then host a live Q and A with some of the artists. The event is free and all are welcome.

Date: Wednesday, October 27
Time: 6:00-8:00pm CT

To register, visit bit.ly/LookAtMeOctober. If you would like to make a donation to support the participants, you can do so at bit.ly/SupportLookAtMe.
Legislators Domestic Violence Awareness Virtual Event
The State's Attorney's Office and A Safe Place are collaborating on a virtual event in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event will feature remarks from Congressman Schneider and guest panelists Senator Melinda Bush and Representative Joyce Mason. The purpose of the event is to increase domestic violence awareness and to discuss with constituents efforts that are being taken to domestic violence during the month of October and beyond.

Date: Friday, October 29
Time: 12:00 pm

For more information, see their Facebook event page.
Women's Small Business Webinars
October is also Women's Small Business Month. This month, DCEO is hosting two webinars for women entrepreneurs-one on Tuesday, October 26 and one on Wednesday, October 27. For more information, see the attached flyer below.
Programs at The Recyclery
The Recyclery Educational Bike Shop offers a multitude of different types of shopping experiences and programs that can be found below.

Bike Sales:
Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00pm
During in-person sale hours, expert volunteers will help you find the perfect refurbished bike for you. You can also shop online anytime at therecyclery.bigcartel.com.

Open Shop:
Sundays from 10:00am-2:00pm
During open shop hours, you can use The Recyclery's tools to fix your own bike. Experiences volunteers will be there to guide you through the process. This is a free service, but donations are appreciated.

Freecyclery & Volunteer Hours:
Mondays from 12:00-3:00pm
Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00pm
Thursdays from 10:00am-1:00pm
Volunteers help fix bikes to be donated to those in need, organize incoming donations, clean up the shop, and more.

Volunteer Orientation (They welcome all skill levels.):
The second and fourth Thursdays of the month 6:00-7:00pm

The W.T.F. (Women, Trans, Femme) Night and Youth Open Shop programs are currently on hiatus, but they will continue to give updates on their website.

The Recyclery promotes sustainability by giving access to tools, skills, and opportunities for collaboration. We appreciate their work in our community!
Tree Plating Event
OpenLands and EEC are looking for volunteers to assist with their Tree Planting event.

Date: Wednesday, October 27
Time: 9AM
Location: Meeting spot is the Gateway Garden at Ridge and Hollywood, then volunteers will set out to the designated spots approved for trees

Register to volunteer here and see the flyer below for more details.

Kelly Cassidy
State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640