Connecting People with Purpose - Celebrating 50 Years of Volunteering


As we are looking ahead this 50th anniversary year, planning upcoming events and celebrations, we are also taking a look back and talking to some of the amazing people who have helped HOSC become so successful. One of those special people is Mary Fitzgibbons.

Mary started working for HOSC when it was still called The Volunteer Center. Initially she was hired as the Project Director for the newly acquired and still on-going grant from the Corporation for National Service for the Senior Corps-RSVP Program. When she retired over 21 years later in 2014, she had also served as the Executive Director!

Under Mary's nurturing leadership, HOSC applied for and received many grants. Special annual on-going grants focused on helping kids to read, homeland security and working with professionals to volunteer. Those grants led to being assigned many Americorps/VISTA members over the years-individuals who worked full time donating one year of service to help build the capacity of HOSC to help more people. She helped HOSC become more professional as an organization.

I asked Mary her thoughts about working here, I was struck by her thoughtful response:

A great part of my job was working with all the wonderful, dedicated staff, in-house HOSC volunteers, VISTAs and board to best serve volunteerism. I thought of the volunteers as a gift, and it was important to figure out where they would fit best. What made them happy? What special skills did they have? Helping someone find the right volunteer assignment was like working on a big puzzle. Each person, (including paid staff), represented a unique and valuable piece that was part of a beautiful mosaic.

I couldn't agree more! We could not do this important work without YOU!

Sincerely ,
Jordan Friedman
Executive Director, HOSC 

Mary is still lives in the area and spends as much time as she can with her beautiful grandchildren. We continue to be inspired by and grateful for her commitment, leadership, and generosity.
A glance through the years...Our names and logos
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HandsOn Suburban Chicago
Connecting People with Purpose

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