La Sirena

27 East 3 Street

NYC, 10003 
Open 12-7 daily * Abierto 12-7 diariamente

Hola amig@s de La Sirena,
Simple version
 Celebrating !!!
After three years of challenging negotiations with landlord, served a 30 day notice...... blessed I thought to contact Councilwoman Rosie Mendez and grateful..... she mediated an agreement with  the landlord for La Sirena .....
We can stay here and grow for 5 more years !!!
Come by and say hola !! 
Moving forward we are hiring assistants, interns & extra holiday help.

Bi lingual shop assistant, La Sirena

Bi lingual shop assistant, social media, press release, on line sales. 30 + hours a week.

Flexible schedule, some full days, some half days, 3 - 8 pm & Sunday, 11:30-7:30 a must.

Desired Skills and Expertise

Love Mexican folk art
Retail/ shop experience
Like helping people
Able to photograph and upload / file photos
Press release, social media, online sales
Enjoy/ able to organize and clean
Once taught can follow through on your own
attention to detail
Good communication skills
Fun, responsible, mature, creative, enjoy working and people.

Please send resume, availability and why you want to work with us to  

We are also hiring for extra holiday help.
I look forward to meeting with you.
Saludos, Dina Leor

Papel Picado

Bi lingual PR intern & Extra holiday help !

Come join our teem !! La Sirena is a Mexican folk art shop in NYC !
Your responsibilities as an intern are to find new ways to help La Sirena grow through social media and other PR ideas! 
You can create press releases.
Working together brainstorming as a team.
Coming up with your own creative ideas.
Taking and uploading photos
Outreach to schools, restaurants, cultural groups and more
Social media, able to take great photos, write in Spanish and English.
Can include online sales, you would receive a percentage of sales.
Hours are flexible, other days can be included.
This is a stipend internship that can become a job.
Please send resume, availability and why you want to work with us to 

We are also hiring for extra holiday help.
Gracias, Dina Leor