Lots of people think they know what Habitat does. On the surface, maybe they even do. Habitat builds and repairs homes for local families who may not otherwise be able to secure a mortgage or pay for critical repairs to the home they own without our financial partnership. But the “how” we do what we do is the key to our mission. In everything we do at Habitat, we prioritize unity, compassion, peace, and, let’s be honest…fun. If you join us on a build site or in our ReStore or offices, you will likely see these themes in action. Demands and stresses of the construction and retail industry loom large in even the best of times, but our community has faced some not-great times in the past few years. It is a blessing to be part of an organization that reacts to these situations with grace and pulls together to make it through and become stronger.

We had to postpone our Annual Holiday volunteer celebration because of the power outage. When faced with the reality that we could not host the event or even be open for business, our entire team rallied to make sure we could make it through the blackout. Our construction team kept on track with the building, and our ReStore crew used the downtime to move truckloads of donated new patio furniture to our ReStore. Most of our work continued thanks to a team always seeking ways to do more.

We rescheduled the volunteer celebration for
Monday, January 23rd, at noon at the
Country Club of North Carolina, 
and sponsorships are still available!

We expanded the event this year for sponsors to celebrate our hardcore volunteers with us. We will reflect on the year, recognize the milestones of volunteerism achieved, and applaud some of our homeowners who finished paying their mortgage this year and now own their Habitat homes without any debt. Please follow the link below if you want to attend this event and sponsor a volunteer.

We hope you will remember that our Habitat family is better this holiday season because you are a part of it – and we always have more room to grow. If you want to join us as a regular volunteer, please reach out – we promise to provide you with a fun and meaningful role that will build our community up rather than tear it down. Thank you for sharing this mission with us!