Celebrate Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo!
Dear Friends,
On June 30th please join us in celebrating Jetsunma’s birthday. Through her open heart, fierce dedication and vision, nuns from Tibet and the Himalayan regions are finding their voice. There have always been great female practitioners, but now through academic excellence and bringing back the yogic traditions there is a clear path for future generations of girls. Jetsunma’s vision continues to grow. At the request of the 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche she is fundraising to support a sister nunnery in Tibet and she is deeply involved with the Alliance of Non-Himalayan Nuns. Jetsunma’s work expands our hearts and minds and creates a sense of possibility.
From the depths of our heart we invite you to support Jetsunma’s vision and our Dharma sisters in their remarkable work by making a (USA) tax-deductible offering to the DGL Nunnery Endowment . Your generosity will clear away obstacles for the nuns and lay a foundation for future generations of female practitioners.
This work can only be sustained through your heartfelt donations. Let us celebrate Jetsunma and her life’s work by donating now to the to the DGL Nunnery Endowment.
With love and gratitude,

Caterina, Chrysanne, Linda and May Ling
DGLI, Inc. Directors

May Ling Yeo
DGL Endowment Fund Advisor
Long Life Prayer for
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Glorious, foremost and holy one
Who through the blessings of
The Three Jewels and three roots
Spreads the amazing
Teachings of the meaning lineage
Far and wide across the world -
May you live long and may your
Enlightened activities flourish
and increase.

~ Written by the Ninth Khamtrul Rinpoche
Portrait photo credit - F elipe Zabala
Jetsunma with nuns photo credit - Tsunma Tenzin Dasel
“My feeling is that well-trained nuns will have an increasingly important role to play in upholding the sacred Dharma, and we are committed to helping this come about.”
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in the United States of America .
DGLI supports the mission of our Spiritual Director, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo.
DGLI is dedicated to improving the education standards and living conditions of Tibetan Buddhist female monastic communities.
NOTE: Many of our volunteers are on retreat July 10-30. Please be patient with us while we exercise the Dharma in practice. Our volunteers will reply to inquiries afterwards, as we can.
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