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FACESOFDEVOTION: Resplendent in Beauty
We begin this New Year by dedicating it to Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother. Liturgically, we did that on January 1, but here at The Miraculous Medal Shrine, we’re spending the entire month renewing our devotion to Mary. So join us in celebrating JanuMary, as we look at Mary, her Immaculate Conception, and beauty – especially in the Shrine’s history, exquisite architecture, and glorious art.
What is the Feast of the Espousals, and how is it connected to the Year of Saint Joseph?
On January 8, the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. The history of this feast dates back to the British attack on New Orleans in 1815. General Andrew Jackson's small group of untrained soldiers was no match for the skilled British army, who outnumbered their American counterparts. But the Ursuline sisters and residents of New Orleans spent the night of the battle in prayer. Then something miraculous happened. We highlighted the story in October's inSPIRE article, The Power of Prayer, but it's definitely worth a second read. Let's join together in prayer this JanuMary and ask our Blessed Mother for her intercession for us, our loved ones, and our country.
Join us virtually on Tuesday, January 5, with your favorite glass of wine, as we delve into The World's First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Bishop Fulton Sheen. Share your thoughts and insights with fellow readers as we discuss each chapter of this profound book. Purchase this book from any local bookstore or online vendor.
Join us for a special Holy Hour as we reflect on the life of Christ through the eyes of our Blessed Mother. This event will be livestreamed on our main Facebook page on Thursday, January 21, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia
THANK YOU to Mary, for sending us a photo of her spiritual resolution for the New Year: "To pray more." You can purchase three of these items in our Gift Shop.
The first ten days of January occur within the Christmas season. The vestments for this season are white, which represent purity, light, and joy. The rest of January falls within Ordinary Time, where the vestments are green, the color of hope.
Which saint was widowed at the age of 29, with five young children under the age of eight and seven of her husband's orphaned siblings? (Click here for the answer and to learn more about this great saint.)
What would you like to see in inSPIRE for 2021? Send your thoughts, questions, or suggestions to We look forward to hearing your ideas.
I prayed the rosary every day after being diagnosed with cancer. Testing just came back that I’m cancer free.
Did you know that almost half of General Jackson's soldiers were in need of rifles and adequate clothing when they reached New Orleans in early January 1815? Yet the townspeople united in prayer, asked Our Lady for her intercession, and witnessed a miracle (see the article above: Our Lady of Prompt Succor). Miracles still happen today, some in small things, others in large. Both are needed and precious.
Our Blessed Mother herself tells us to wear her Miraculous Medal with confidence and ask for her help. Her Medal is a sign of our devotion to her—and her devotion to us.
As we begin 2021, let's thank Mary for her dedication to us in the past year and renew our devotion to her for this new one.
Entrust yourself, your loved ones, and this New Year to Mary. Submit your intentions to us, and we'll pray for them at the Shrine on the Marian celebrations throughout the entire year. Your donation will help spread devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal so others may receive her graces and find much-needed healing and peace. Thank you.
You can find a wide variety of Miraculous Medals, Rosaries, Catholic jewelry, gifts, and specialty items for yourself and all your loved ones in our Gift Shop. We frequently have items on sale, so keep checking back. You can also light a vigil candle to thank our Blessed Mother for her intercession and graces—and to honor your loved ones.
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