March 2024

Bold Women's Day is Sunday, March 3!

In Women of the ELCA, we're all about acting boldly on our faith in Jesus Christ. And at least once a year we celebrate that boldness, whether it's a quiet and persistent bold or a loud and brash bold. How will you celebrate Bold Women's Day on March 3?

We've got lots of resources to consider, from FB cover photos to a brand new litany to program ideas. You can celebrate in community or in your daily devotion.

What's important is celebrating boldness, so if March 3 doesn't work for you, pick another date!

Just Lunch returns for Women's History Month!

We'll be celebrating Women's History Month (March) by continuing our Facebook Live conversations, Just Lunch! Every Friday throughout the month of March we will talk with Women of the ELCA participants who answered the call to ministry! Follow each week as we interview guests who have taken leadership roles in the church, nourished by their involvement in Women of the ELCA (WELCA)! Join us!

Follow Women of the ELCA on Facebook

Choosing happiness

Karris Golden will lead our conversation about choosing happiness at the next B.Y.O.D., Thursday, March 7 at 7 p.m. CST. Join us! 

Register now. All are invited to attend. Enjoy your dinner, have dessert, sip your favorite beverage or simply come and be present. It's a casual hour of faith reflections.

March devotion: What seeds are you scattering?

This Lent, may you pray about the seeds you are scattering. Ask God to use your gifts of time, service, and talents to bless the people before you. How might your congregational unit of Women of the ELCA scatter seeds together?

Read the March devotion.

Lent: Penitence, Pilgrimage, Preparation

Since very ancient times, Christians of all ages and places have observed the season of Lent. Throughout that long history, it has always been a time for spiritual renewal in anticipation of the great feast of Easter, the center of the church’s year. How are you keeping Lent this year?

Explore and download the resource, Lent: Penitence, Pilgrimage, Preparation.

Scholarship applications due no later than April 5

Thanks to endowments created in the past for this purpose, Women of the ELCA is able to offer academic scholarships in two categories: for Lutheran laywomen and for those studying for ordained ministry. 

Learn more about Women of the ELCA Scholarships. All application materials must be submitted on or before April 5, 202. Learn more and apply today!

Raising Up Healthy Women & Girls Seed grants deadline is April 5

Make a difference in your congregation and community by applying for a Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls Seed Grant. Seed grants enable active Women of the ELCA units to add a project that is focused on health and wellness for women and girls. Award amounts are up to $2000. Applications must be postmarked or emailed by April 5, 2024. Learn more and apply today!

Sign up for Daily Grace

Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your spiritual journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Encounter God’s extravagant, boundless, and often surprising grace by signing up for a daily email message. Learn more at

Most recent blog posts

How can you love?

From beads to ashes

Diving deeper into Lent

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