Upcoming changes to signing up for Available Time & Unanticipated Over-Time:

Your contract under ARTICLE 19-SCHEDULING AND AVAILABLE TIME requires the employer to notify all members of available time/needs on the schedule.

The Available Time may include coverage for other members on Vacation, LOA, or Call-Outs for any day coverage is needed. In keeping with the electronic era of today’s world the parties agreed it would be in the best interest of both staff and patients to provide you quicker access and faster response time to signing up through email. This will ensure that everyone is receiving the notification/opportunity to pick up additional shifts/hours fairly and equitably. 

  • All bargaining unit members will be issued a Cedar Grove/Employee email through Human Resources over the next month but no later than September 1st, 2023.

  • If you have not received your Employee email please contact Miranda Genther, Human Resources to set up a time and date to get your email set up and activated.

  • If you already received your Employee email, please check to see that it’s active and working.

JNESO and your Local Officers are making every effort to confirm Cedar Grove is following the contract and that everyone is getting the opportunity to pick up available time!

For questions or concerns, contact your

Labor Representative: Yolanda Brewer

ybrewer@jneso.org | (800) 292-0542 x124

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