May 2024

Note from Canon Heather+

For the Mission of the Church

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


~~Aloha Dear St. Andrew’s~~

The Cathedral Close is a hoppin’ and happenin’ place! Thanks be to God!

This past Saturday and Sunday, St. Andrew’s was host to:

  • A Diocesan training
  • Our Eden Guild gathering
  • Camp Mokuleʻia American Camping Association training
  • Honolulu Theatre for Youth
  • St. Andrew’s Schools Froshmore Banquet
  • Four community weekend group meetings
  • Arena Stage, Washington D. C. (here for a week-long workshop on a play about Queen Emma, written by Lee Cataluna!) well as our regular Sunday worship gatherings at St. Paul’s and the Cathedral – that’s five Eucharists between our two congregations -- WOWza!!! ...Additionally, too, as balance would have it, we had struggles with plumbing (in two locations), challenges with vandalism, and security issues along the way.


This is real life downtown, in our beloved city – all the beautiful and awe-full fullness of all the things – very much so like we have been hearing in our post-Easter Gospels. Think about the disciples in the Upper Room with the resurrected Jesus – all the Love, Glory, and Power of God, with the wounds very present. We are witnesses to and blessed by God’s grace and goodness, even in the middle of the complexities of life – AND, as such, we, us, the Cathedral of St. Andrew, are called to be precisely this kind of centering space for everyone, in all the fullness of all the things.

What a privilege it is to be part of this vibrant and living, breathing, growing Body of Christ, offering our Cathedral as a gathering place for all God’s people!


As you read through this May Cathedral Life – Come and See! please make note of the special gatherings and celebrations we have coming up this month – and plan to join us, in-person or online. May is the final stretch before our summer schedule takes effect on the first Sunday of June (and we have some wonderful summer things coming up!) – and it is packed full of unique moments and big Church feast days – and, as always, we are ready to welcome YOU into one of our many ministries of welcome and service – altar guild, ushers, docents, greeters, chalice – let the clergy know how you are feeling called to live into your baptized life!


Through Christ, With Christ, In Christ,

Canon Heather+


***If you are seeking to be received into the Episcopal Church by Bishop Fitzpatrick, or are interested in reaffirming your Baptismal vows, let me know – Bishop will be home at the Cathedral for Pentecost, Vigil on May 18 and Sunday morning, May 19. 

Note from Kahu Haaheo

Celebrate World Labyrinth Day

The Cathedral of St Andrew will observe

World Labyrinth Day on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

11 am to 2 pm in the Cathedral

Open Labyrinth Walk - please wear socks.

No bare feet or shoes on Labyrinth. 

Many people around the world will participate in World Labyrinth Day. This is a time for a walking meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience. As war and violence  continues in various parts of the world, the moving meditation on World Labyrinth Day is timely and needed. 

Walking the Labyrinth helps us to quiet the mind, calm anxieties, recover balance in life, enhance creativity and encourage meditation, insight, self-reflection and stress reduction, as stated by the Labyrinth Society. 

Please join us as we observe World Labyrinth Day at the Cathedral. 

Save - the - Dates & Announcements

Walking the Way of Love Slipper Drive continues!

Our annual Slipper Drive for Princess Ruth Ke‘elikōlani Middle School 

(formally Central Middle School) continues! Please look for collection bins in the Cathedral near the

Baptismal Font.

The Day of Pentecost - Whitsunday

May 19, 2024

The Cathedral welcomes The Day of Pentecost on May 19, 2024!

We also invite everyone to wear red as we celebrate the coming

of the Holy Spirit!

We will also be honoring:

Ali'i Sunday Commemorating Queen Lili'uokalani.

On May 18, 1896, Queen Lili'uokalani was received as a member of the Anglican Church here at the Cathedral.

The morning will include a special dedication and blessing of the

newly installed Queen Lili'uokalani Peace Chapel plaque.

The First Sunday After Pentecost - Trinity Sunday

May 26, 2024

Join the Cathedral on May 26, 2024, as we celebrate

The First Sunday After Pentecost - Trinity Sunday!

The Cathedral, along with churches across the Diocese, will be dedicating plate offerings on Trinity Sunday to Camp Mokulēʻia! Please make checks payable to “Camp Mokulēʻia” with a memo of “Camp Collection."

Camp Mokulēʻia's Summer Camp Programs

Camp Mokulēʻia Summer Employment Opportunity for your

High School Juniors and Seniors

Make a Note!

The Cathedral's Summer Worship Schedule starts June 2, 2024

Summer Sunday Schedule Starting June 2, 2024

7am Rite I, spoken and 9am Rite II, ʻŌlelo and English blended

Starting Sunday, June 2, 2024, we will have two Sunday services at the Cathedral: 7am Rite I English, spoken and 9am Rite II ʻŌlelo and English blended, with music (livestreamed). For these Summer Sundays, we will celebrate being more together than we have been in a long while.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

St. Andrew's Schools

St. Andrew's Schools 157th Anniversary Celebration

May 16, 2024

It is the tradition at St. Andrew’s Priory School for the coral cross, which sits in the central courtyard, to be decorated by the Junior Class on Ascension Eve, honoring the founding of the school, Ascension Day 1867. This year marks the 157th anniversary of the founding of the school by Queen Emma, Mother Sellon, Bishop Staley, and the Sister of the Society of the Holy Trinity.

Photo credit - St. Andrew's Schools

Upcoming School Events in the Cathedral

Wednesday, May 22

Spring Concert

Sunday, May 26

Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Ceremony

Wednesday, May 29

Sixth Grade Graduation

Sunday, June 2

Commencement Ceremony

Celebrating our Graduates

Congratulations, Kahoku Chang!

Kamehameha Schools, Kapalama

Class of 2024

A Prayer for Graduates

God of journeys, endings, and new beginnings,

through the highs and lows, the twists and turns

this class has faced along the way,

we have faith that your love has guided them

from the moment they began up to graduation day.

We give you thanks and praise for the goodness that shines

in the relationships formed, knowledge learned,

and memories made through their time in school.

Bless them and bless the body, mind, and soul of every graduate, that they

may celebrate your glory in themselves and all creation, and use their

education to build your kingdom of peace.


Note from the Office

The Cathedral will be closed from

Tuesday, May 7 through Friday, May 10 & Tuesday, May 14

due to scheduled electrical work.


On Wednesday, May 8, Open Cathedral and the Noon Mass service

will be postponed until Wednesday, May 15. 

The Cathedral Office is closed on Mondays.
We are open by appointment: Tuesday - Friday, 8am to 4pm
To contact the Office:
Call 808-524-2822
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 524-2822

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