The BHS 21st Century Fund supports faculty-led pilot programs focused on curriculum innovation, fostering academic success and inspiration for all students.
School Year 2016-2017    
Catching Up with Andrew Bott on Innovation at BHS

Andrew Bott became the superintendent of the Public Schools of Brookline on July 1, 2016. Jessica Eber is an Overseer of the BHS 21st Century Fund. They spoke recently about growth and innovation at BHS. 

Andrew Bott at
21st Century Fund
November 19, 2016

As a high school parent, I'm most interested in hearing you talk about your vision for BHS. I'd like to start by asking you to describe it.

The Education Plan  for the high school spelled out a vision for BHS through a couple of different lenses.

First we identified the things that are working really well at the high school, and looked at how we could maintain that level of success as the school continues to grow. Then we asked: What are areas in the high school that are not working really well for everyone? Who are the students who aren't connected with the school? Where do we have outcomes for students that are not equitable--students taking AP classes, for example--and how do we grow in a way that increases both access and successful outcomes, and do that as the high school is growing? 

One way is by making sure that, as the school grows from an enrollment of 2000 to one of 2700, we create a small-school feel, so that students are connected. We're looking for opportunities to create what Anthony [Meyer, BHS Headmaster] calls "havens"--like SWS, for example. We're looking for other ways to create the kind of community that SWS creates. Is there perhaps a Global Leadership pathway? This is actually a perfect example of the impact of the 21st Century Fund, since Global Leadership started as a 21st Century Fund course and is very much on a trajectory to become  a pathway within the high school, where a cohort of students with a shared interest can become connected with that particular area of interest. 

Another really important piece of the Education Plan concerns providing more opportunities for interdisciplinary, project-based learning. And again, I don't bring this up just because we're here talking about the 21st Century Fund, but there have been some really incredible examples of interdisciplinary courses launched by the Fund that have become part of the curriculum. And so you start thinking about how to create these interdisciplinary, cross-curricular connections and opportunities for students, and then you need to figure out: what do we need, physically--what spaces do we need--to support teacher preparation, student work, etc. The Educational Plan really ties all of it together. It's about identifying the traditional silos. Where is it that we need to head in math, in science, in social studies, world languages, the arts? And what are the ways that they're interconnected? What's the matrix? Think of the DNA double helix, where it's all coming together in that interconnected way. 

Click here to read the full interview, which includes information about innovative new courses that will be offered next school year.

March 2017
Upcoming events

EPIC Seniors Present  
Capstone Project Exhibition

MLK Room
11:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

EPIC, an alternative senior year pilot program launched by the Fund, is in its second year. Please drop in, students are eager to get input on their work.


Rising 9th/10th Grade 
Wine & Cheese Reception 

T uesday, April 4
6:30 p.m.

  We look forward to connecting with new families!

Meet Headmaster, 
Anthony Meyer. Learn how to join the Fund's community of engaged parents who care deeply about public education at BHS and beyond.

Click  here  to sign up


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BHS 21st Century Fund?
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with the Headmaster
Friday, April 7

Meet informally with 
the Headmaster, 
Fund-sponsored faculty members, and key 
parent volunteers. 
Learn how you can help 
fuel innovation at BHS.

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