Our theme this year is “Going Places”. From loneliness and pain to family, life and a bright future.

We always celebrate when we see this happen. So far, this year, it has happened for 20 children. Recently Janessa , Jordan, Jackson , Kiera , Micah , Elliot and Joanna have all joined their forever families. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of their journey and make it possible for them to have family, life and a bright future.
Every child that joins us needs medical intervention, some are more complicated than others. One of the most difficult for us is a child needing a liver transplant. With such a long waiting list for a donor many children do not survive long enough to even have an opportunity at a surgery.  With Amelia soon leaving with her forever family we decided it was once again time to step out and take some risk- join us in welcoming Joshua as we fight with him to preserve his life. He is very small, undernourished, weak and will need a miracle.

Another difficult case is Anna . Anna was diagnosed as being blind but it was thought if she could have surgery before she was 4 months old there was a chance she would be able to see. Anna arrived very weak and malnourished and over the next 3 months had frequent bouts of pneumonia preventing her from surgery. Finally, three months later she was able to have surgery. Now we wait and pray hoping that she will see. After her arrival and frequent tests it was found that she is also deaf. This little one has a difficult road ahead of her but we are looking forward to seeing the difference that love makes.

To see who has had surgery so far this year please check out our
New Arrivals
We would like to introduce some beautiful children to you who have recently arrived. Please join us in welcoming Joshua , Luan , Luke , Josias , Kevin , Aerin , Micaela and Paul . Follow their story on Facebook and our website as their journeys develops.

Doors continue to open for us to help children in orphanages and poor families. Children who have not had a chance of a healthy life can now have a fighting chance.

Let us introduce Phong (had heart surgery), Tai (tests showed heart surgery was not needed), Toan (who had orthopedic surgery) and Kim , who has a serious heart condition, is still in the initial stages of testing to see if surgery is an option. Initially the surgeon said her case was too high risk. Following input from a surgeon in the USA they are re-evaluating her case.

We have been presented with more cases of children in poor families who are need of surgery but cannot afford it. Stay tuned as we make a way for them to have the medical care they need and give you an opportunity to help make it happen.  

We are very happy to let you know that we are now registered as a local charity so we now have an even stronger foundation to continue saving children’s lives. Our next step is to also get registered as a foreign NGO so that we will be able to partner with our local charity. Please remember us as we take steps towards this goal.

Beijing, China