Welcome to Catch Up With Young Kim, my weekly e-newsletter to get you the latest on my work for you in Congress.

My team and I are here to serve you. If you ever need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office. I also encourage you to receive real-time updates on my work for you in Congress by following @RepYoungKim on FacebookTwitterYoutube and 

It's been a busy week! Here are the highlights:
This week, I joined with a bipartisan group of colleagues to introduce the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) on the Beat Grant Program Reauthorization and Parity Act (H.R. 6375).

This bipartisan bill supports local law enforcement, such as our Anaheim Police Department, to recruit, train and maintain officers as they work around the clock to keep communities safe.

I will always be a strong, loud voice for the brave men and women of our law enforcement in Congress.
The Biden administration's report to Congress on U.S. military property, equipment and supplies left behind in Afghanistan is over two weeks late.

To bring attention to this unacceptable delay, I joined Rep. Andy Barr and 27 colleagues in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin calling on the Administration to fulfill its obligation under the law and provide transparency on the disaster immediately.

I will continue to work to uncover answers about the Americans, Afghan allies and U.S. military equipment left behind in Afghanistan. 
America is the land of freedom, hope and opportunity.  

Since the first Korean immigrants arrived in the United States on January 13, 1903, Korean Americans have made significant contributions in all aspects of American life across our nation’s communities. On Thursday, I introduced a bipartisan resolution that honors Korean American Day and celebrates the more than 1.8 million Korean Americans who call the United States home. 

I'll keep fighting so others can achieve their American dream like I did!
North Orange County Martial Arts is now re-opened in Placentia! Team Young stopped by last week to congratulate them on their new facility. I’m grateful for the awesome entrepreneurs who work hard to bring valuable services and experiences to our CA-39 community.
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery that is in our backyard.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, a great opportunity to learn about how our community can help keep each other safe. Please find resources below.
The results are in! Thank you to all who participated in my poll last week to share your top priority for me in Congress.

If you were not able to participate, please do so here. I appreciate your valuable input!
I am committed to helping California's 39th District get through the COVID-19 pandemic better than before. As we reopen our communities and get people safely back to work, I will do all that I can to make sure my constituents receive the relief you deserve.
Casework & Catch Up
Need help with a federal agency, like the Small Business Administration, IRS or the VA? My team and I are here to help. 
Have a great weekend!
Young Kim