November Results are in!


Due to several upcoming charity events for Casa Providencia in December, we are extending our Crowdfunding Campaign through December 12th. We have thankfully received  $150,449 thus far and we want to sincerely say THANK YOU for helping work to open the doors to these special children.  

We want to remind you that over the past few years, the Lord has given us an amazing $2.3M, which has already been put towards this God-given vision of Casa Providencia.  We are so close to being able to open the doors.   You can continue to partner with us by spreading the word however you can.  Also, please consider helping to provide specialized medical care, therapy and lots of love to needy children by DONATING today!
Attorney Graciela Mauad and Founder Misty Hedspeth welcoming future foster parents 

Foster Care Training Seminar: Total Success!

Our experienced staff gave a 2-day training seminar in order to provide future foster families the tools they will need to care for children.   It was an honor to be requested to give this training by the government of Panama and we know the information these families received will be crucial in their parenting days ahead.  Please continue to pray that more families will say "Yes!" to becoming Foster Parents through our Foster Care Program.  

Founder Matt Hedspeth receives 40 foot container of medical equipment donated mostly to Casa Providencia.

We are so thankful to receive donations from various parts of the world.  This 40 foot container has come all the way from Sweden's Salvation Army! It's full of medical supplies that will mainly go to Casa Providencia, with some items being distributed to other organizations. Our friend and fellow worker in Christ, John Gordon, has graciously chosen Casa Providencia as the recipient of most of this needed equipment. Thank you, John!
November 14th Orphan Sunday

Heart's Cry was able to partake in this event, where once a year there is a special day dedicated to remembering those often forgotten by society, the orphans of the world.  Check out our live feed shot from the  Orphan Sunday  event, where we spoke at Southbridge Fellowship in Raleigh NC and were pleased to take part in the overall movement.  
It was an encouragement to see folks at our home church actively involved in fostering, adopting, supporting international initiatives, and all the many creative ways the Lord is using His Body to care for orphans.

Heart's Cry Children's Ministry |  +1 919-926-1332 | |