preserving, protecting, and defending the rural character
and natural resources of Carmel Valley since 1949
Carmel Valley Association
Weekly Bulletin
Know Something About Traffic?
Valued CVA Board member Kate Daniels has accepted appointment to the county Planning Commission and has resigned her position on our board to avoid any possible conflict of interest. We'll miss her, but are very pleased with her appointment (thank you Supervisor Adams!) and wish her the best.
We are looking for a replacement and are especially interested in someone with knowledge of traffic management. If you fit the description
, and would be willing to serve on our board of directors, please contact us at or simply reply to this email.
Supervisor Mary Adams holds her first Fireside Chat
at the Rio Road firehouse.
Supervisor Adams was accompanied by her chief of staff and Yuri Anderson and policy analyst Sarah Hardgrave. She began the session by listing three overarching goals for 2020:
- Responding to climate change
- Affordable housing
- Our water supply
About 30 residents of the 5th Supervisorial District attended and among the concerns raised by attendees were:
- Concerns about regulations that can prevent fire risk mitigation
- Cancellation of homeowners' fire insurance
- Administrative problems at Rippling River
- Cell towers in Big Sur and on the coast
- Lack of facilities to dispose of light bulbs
- Inadequate maintenance of county roads
- Affordable housing
- Delays in the creation of a short term rental ordinance, and poor enforcement of existing regulations
- Monterey County residents access to Point Lobos, and attendant parking problems on Highway One
Supervisor Adams has scheduled the following 2020 fireside chats:
- March 18, City of Monterey Fire Station – 600 Pacific St., EOC Room, Monterey, CA
- May 20, Monterey Regional Fire District Office – 19900 Portola Drive, Salinas
- July 15, Cypress Fire Station, Rio Road, Carmel
- September 16, City of Monterey Fire Station, Pacific Street, Monterey
- November 18, Monterey Regional Fire District Office, Portola Drive, Salinas
You are encouraged to contact Supervisor Adams or her Chief of Staff,
Yuri Anderson, with your concerns at (831) 647-7755 or
Here's a web site to check to see
if your area is scheduled for a power outage:
Unregulated Vacation Rental
or Party House in Your Neighborhood?
Under pressure from CVA and community groups, the county has initiated a hotline for residents to report problems with short-term rentals in their neighborhoods:
by telephone at (831) 900-4441, or by online form:
Join us for the next interesting speaker and topic during Carmel Valley Library’s FIRST SATURDAY PROGRAM SERIES, held most 1st Saturdays of the year at 10:15 am.
Jeff Ohlson
be speaking
May 9, 10:15 am
about the history of the VALLEY VOLUNTEER FIRE SERVICE that was in place for many years. (NOTE: this is the SECOND Saturday in May - an anomaly, but true!)
This free program at the Carmel Valley Branch is being hosted by the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library as part of the popular First Saturday Program Series. Program begins promptly at 10:15 am and lasts about an hour. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited.
For information, please call the Library at 659-237
Carmel Valley Library
Homework Center
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 3 PM - 6 PM
Thursdays, 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Fridays, 3 PM - 5 PM
Senior Activities at the Youth Center
Senior activity hours are Tuesdays, 1-4 pm. in the Carmel Valley Community Youth Center community room. CVCYC board members and local volunteers are collecting books, games, cards, art supplies, and puzzles. Anyone is free to bring in games that they may want to play or refreshments to share. Movement activities are planned and other ideas include organized bus trips, walking groups, and writing programs. Donations are suggested but not required.
Those who wish to provide informational presentations or entertainment, donate supplies, or direct an activity, are invited to contact Teresa Goldberg by email at or call the center at 831-659-3983.
Come and Share the Wonders of
Point Lobos
Easy Access Adventures!
Issues of Concern to Residents of Carmel Valley
Make sure you are signed up to receive emergency alerts!
Pris Walton, President
Carmel Valley Association
Carmel Valley Association is one of the oldest, largest, and most suc
cessful community organizations in Monterey County. We are entirely volunteer, with no paid employees. Our mission is to defend the beauty, resources and rural character of our beautiful valley. We do that by working with residents, businesses, and government.
CVA was instrumental in the adoption of the Carmel Valley Master Plan and recently settled a lawsuit with Monterey County regarding traffic measurement and capping future development on very favorable terms for our valley. Our volunteer experts represent Carmel Valley's interest, testifying before governmental bodies concerning development, water, traffic, road signs, and other quality of life issues.
We keep valley residents informed about important issues and events with our weekly email Bulletin, which goes to over 1200 residents, and our quarterly Newsletter, which is mailed to over 7,000 valley addresses.
or reply to this email
Member Richard Cheatham has created a video about our beautiful Carmel Valley and CVA's role in preserving it.
Header photo by
Carmel Valley Photographer