November 28, 2016
Our monthly newsletter to keep you informed.

November is National Family Caregiver Awareness month. We created the LGBT Caregiver Fact Sheet to provide LGBT caregivers tips and resources to use as they provide care and support to loved ones. The National Resource Center also worked with the National Institute on Aging to promote materials they produced in support of caregivers. You can check out these materials and more here.

The month of November also marks National Transgender Aware ness month.  Did you know the Williams Institute at UCLA estimates there are 1.4 million adults in the U.S. who  identify as transgender? Learn more about how your organization can support Transgender older adults through the resources available here including the fact sheet on Medicare Changes for Transgender Older Adults.

Consortium Members
The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, National Indian Council on Aging, and National Association for Hispanic Elderly [Asociacion Nacional Pro Personas Mayores] are members of the Administration on Community Living, Consortium for Seniors' Equity. The Consortium recently met in Washington, D.C. for a two-day planning meeting to discuss opportunities to collaborate on projects over the coming year. Watch this monthly eBlast for updates and news from the Consortium.
What's New? Throughout the month, new content is uploaded to our website. Check the What's New page for the most recent articles, fact sheets and interviews. You can also find the upcoming regional and national conferences where our staff will be presenting on our  Upcoming Events page.
Until Next Time,

Sherrill Wayland

New! Understanding and Supporting LGBT Older Adults is a FREE of Charge 30 minute recorded presentation designed to provide a basic overview of LGBT aging. Check it out today!


You can stay connected with the  National Resource Center on LGBT Aging beyond our monthly e-newsletter! Be sure to like our FaceBook page and follow us on  Twitter where we post new and timely articles and resources that are important for LGBT older adults and the people who care for them.