Caring Connections Drive Student Success

The Washington Post recently told the story of a young man, nearly having lost his chance at college due to human error on paperwork, who was driven three hours to school by the vice president of student affairs himself after the error was corrected. The title of the piece says it all: The key to college success? People have to care about you


Many students, despite best intentions by schools and programs, fall through what the article describes as "thoughtfully constructed safety nets." The most wonderful resources cannot help if students don't know they are there and are not connected to them. One nontraditional student is quoted as saying that the difference is "meaningful human contact." 


Enter academic coaching. The coach has a golden opportunity to introduce the student to any and all resources that may be waiting for them at the institution, building student knowledge of such resources as well as willingness to give them a try. When a coach establishes a nonjudgmental, respectful space that builds trust, a vulnerable student is more likely to step over those ubiquitous cracks to get support, rather than falling through them. 


Build a caring connection with questions like these, and help students locate resource offices and websites if they need that information:

  • What kind of support do you need right now?

  • How can you find out more about resources at the school? 

  • Who do you know who has gotten some help from a school organization, and how did they benefit?

  • What do you think you shouldn't need help with, but you do?

  • How might you get support from someone here who cares about you?


Expand the ways you are able to care with training from LifeBound.

1-Day Introduction to Coaching

Register for Friday, Sept 29 Class

3-Day Inclusive Coaching

Register for Oct 13, 20, 27 Class

Coaching Certification

Register for Fall Cohort, Begins Sept 26

1 Day Introduction to Coaching

This class will give you coaching strategies to help students grow to their full potential. Students are navigating a time of extreme uncertainty while managing partially- or fully-online college coursework. Coaching strategies can support students as they face financial, social, emotional, and academic issues.

1 day (6 hours)


Friday, Sept 29




$497 per person

Register for 1 Day Coaching

3 Day Inclusive Coaching

This class will address challenges that freshman, first gen, and under-served populations can face in navigating a myriad of issues in today's world. You will learn how to help students transition more effectively to college, build accountability and self-management skills, and achieve fulfillment at school, work, and in their personal lives.

3 days (6 hours each)


October 13, 20, 27

November 3, 10, 17

December 14, 15, 18




$1,500 per person

Register for 3 Day Coaching

Coaching Certification

The course is designed to build your competencies through active participation and demonstration of abilities. Prerequisite: Completion of the LifeBound 3 Day Inclusive Coaching class.


Spring, Summer, and Fall Cohorts

Fall course begins September 26


Online or in-person as available


$5,000 per person

Register for Coaching Certification

Books for College Students

Read by more than 3 million students, Keys to College Success sets the standard for academic success strategies for college, career, and life. You will find practical tips during COVID-19 on resilience, persistence, purpose and strength. Available in e-book format, with online interactive assessments.

Purchase these and other LifeBound books

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