The Caregiver Courier
September 2017
Kinship Salutations

There is no guide given to us when we become a part of a family. We never know when a surprising curve ball will come flying around the corner. No matter how unforeseen becoming a kinship caregiver was, you didn't run; you immediately stepped up to the plate with love, empathy and dedication. For that and for so much more, you have our gratitude, our support and our appreciation! Thank you for everything you do! 

To read Kinship Salutations recognizing Kinship Caregivers, DFS Specialists and Community Partners, click here.  

Licensed Caregivers, WE NEED YOU!!!!

The DFS Foster Parent Champion program is looking for experienced caregivers who have a desire to partner with DFS, other caregivers and the community. The position is 20 hours a week. Please click here for more information

Community Partner Spotlight: 
Foster Kinship

Alison Caliendo established Foster Kinship as a nonprofit organization in 2011 after she saw the difficulties relatives faced compared with her experience as a traditional foster parent. Once she learned there were over 31,000 Nevadan children living with relative caregivers, an arrangement 
known as kinship care, she founded Foster 
Kinship with a mission to strengthen the kinship 
caregivers' capacity to provide safe, permanent, 
and nurturing homes for children. 
To learn more,  click here.

Dear Foster Parents:
We don't say it enough....THANK YOU for your caring and nurturing of our foster children.  Clark County Department of Family Services would not be able to fulfill our mission without you!
Today, we are in urgent need.  Young children need your help NOW!   We have had an influx of children under the age of six years old coming in to care who ended up spending the night without a family to comfort them.  Despite contacting multiple foster families, we were unable to locate a foster home for these children.  I am writing to ask you to open your home and family to accept an additional young child or sibling group on an emergency basis. 
What does "emergency" mean?  It may mean accepting a child in the middle of the night, on the weekend or a holiday.  Some children may return home within 24-48 hours.  Others may move on to a relative home quickly.  However, there may be children who will remain in your home for a longer period of time while their birth parents work toward reunifying with their children.  Our goal is for the children to return to their birth families as soon as possible. Regardless of how long the child remains with you, the care that you provide in a family setting will help to minimize the trauma and disruption experienced in their young lives.
If your family is able to help, please call your licensing worker immediately.

There is Help, There is Hope:
Save a Life by Recognizing the
Suicide Warning Signs
September  is  designated  as National 
Suicide  Prevention A wareness Month. 
In t he State  of Nevada we are 11th in the nation in the Suicide Rate, only 10 other states have a higher rate than us.  1999 and prior Nevada was #1 in the nation when it came to suicides.  2000-2010 we fluctuated between #1 and #5.  2011 we moved to # 6, 2012 we were #7, 2013/2014 we went back to #6, and in 2015 we jumped to #11 in the "Crude Rate".  We are reducing our suicide rate slowly, but we are reducing it!  

   Click here for more information. 
10 Ways You Can Help Recruit

Who Does the BEST Job of Recruiting New Foster Parents?

Foster Parents do!  Research has shown that over 54% of new foster parents are recruited by existing foster parents. 

The growing number of children and teens who require a foster home in Clark County need you to spread the word about foster care to your friends, family, neighbors, and everyone!

Click here for 10 ideas of how can help!   

Save the Date: 2017 Angel Tree

A certain someone who shall remain nameless (until after Thanksgiving, at least) is already making a list and checking it twice. Don't miss your chance to be on that list. Save the date for the 2017 CASA Fostering Futures Angel Tree Celebration.

What: 2017 CASA Angel Tree Celebration
When: Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017

This event is open to all children in DFS care. Keep watching your email inbox and mailbox for registration information to this magical holiday experience!
Grace Point Church Offering Monthly Foster Parents' Night Out
Grace Point Church is hosting a  FREE respite program so foster parents can get an occasional night out!  Grace Point will offer respite care from 6 - 9 p.m. on the first Friday each month through August 2018.
What: Foster Parents' Night Out
When: 6 - 9 p.m., first Friday each month.  Next date: Friday, October 6th, 2017
Where:  Grace Point Church, 3794 W. Ann Rd., North Las Vegas
How to registerClick here.  (Registration  closes two days before the event and  opens the Saturday after each event for the following month's event.)

What Do You Get Out of it?
Make it a "date night," catch a movie, unwind at your favorite coffee shop...whatever you need, it's a little "you" time to use as you choose! During that time, Grace Point will provide a fun, safe and nurturing environment for your children in care as well as your biological children.
The full list of upcoming Foster Parents' Night Out evenings includes: Oct. 6, Nov. 8, Dec. 1, Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 6, May 4 (Star Wars Day!), June 1 and Aug. 6. Keep watching the Caregiver Courier for more details and registration information.
Grace Point Church Offering Monthly Foster Parents' Night Out
Local author is donating books to our girls ages 12-18 at a book signing on September 30, 2017.  If you would like to attend and receive a free book please call 702-455-7400 to register on the VIP list. 

For more information, click here.  
Spotlight Series: Trauma-Informed Parenting Recap

Our 8-part series on Trauma-Informed parenting has concluded.  This series was written based on interest expressed by valued readers like you. We would love to hear from you about what other topics you'd like to see talked about more in the Caregiver Courier by emailing

Previous Modules
Module 8: Self-Care

More information can be found at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Entrenamiento en Español

There's a new feature on the QPI Nevada Just in Time training website!  There is now a button (Entrenamiento en Español) on the homepage. This button directs caregivers to a new page that features a link to the Trainings in Spanish topic in the video library and the Spanish version of the FAQ document.

Click here to see the new button or go directly to the following website here:

  Para entrenamientos en español,  haga clic aquí .


Foster Kinship, Foster Change and DFS have partnered to offer QPI Workshops on navigating the "QPI/Just In Time" training website.  In addition to receiving assistance with navigating the website, free child care  and refreshments will be provided!  This is a great opportunity for our caregivers to complete some or all of their required training.  

The next workshop will be on Saturday, November 11th, 2017.

Click here to for more information. 
DFS Training Class for Foster Parents and Licensed Relatives

The Clark County Department of Family Services (DFS) is offering a series of training classes designed to help foster parents and DFS make better placement decisions for children in foster care.  Dubbed "Placement and Referral Intelligent Matching Engine" (PRIME), the internet based tool allows the Placement Team to email foster parents referrals to children who may be a good match for their household.  
To attend the training, please register at the NV Partnership for Training web page:

Click here for a listing of all of the classes and their locations. 
For more information about the innovative PRIME training classes, please call Heather Kendall at (702) 455-8895.

Let Your Voice Be Heard! Join a QPI Workgroup Today

As a caregiver, we know you have ideas for improvements in child welfare that you'd like to share with decision makers. Now is your chance. Get involved with the Quality Parenting Initiative and join one of our six workgroups:
  • Training: Meets the second Tuesday of each month
  • Recruitment: Meets the first Wednesday of each month
  • Community Partnerships: Meets the third Tuesday of each month
  • Support & Retention: Meets the third Thursday of each month
  • Communications: Meets the third Friday of each month
  • Child Welfare: Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month
Within these workgroups, child welfare professionals, community partners and caregivers convene monthly to develop solutions to issues they face every day. Your input can make the difference in the lives of children and families in Clark County.
Click here for more information about QPI training, initiatives and workgroups. 
Click here to complete the workgroup interest form.

What is QPI?

Making sure every child living in foster care has a caregiver (foster, relative, fictive and/or adoptive) who provides skilled, nurturing parenting while helping the child maintain connections to his or her family. 

Enhance Your Skills

Various trainings are offered in the community to help enhance caregivers' capacity to parent. Please click on the links below to learn more about exciting training opportunities from which you can benefit.  
The QPI Nevada Brand

Foster parents nurture children who have experienced trauma and provide a safe, loving and healing environment in which the children can thrive. They are parenting partners who honor and support family relationships. Foster parents are dedicated, informed and committed advocates for children. They are instrumental and fully supported members of the child and family team. Great foster parents make a difference for children and families in our community.
702-455-5444   |
121 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89106