With the invaluable dedication of the water team volunteers, this project has been a huge success! Since the June training workshops, volunteers have contributed 427 hours of time to this project. We hope you will join us in January to celebrate and do a wrap-up of the year. Don't forget to fill out the Doodle poll and while your calendar is out, be sure to book a time to visit Jennies' Waterworks Exhibition!
Capstone Team Photo by Kristi Cole |
January Potluck:
Let's get together in January to celebrate our success and look forward to the spring!
We're proposing a potluck: We'll invite Ontario Streams and Lakehead U to help us analyze our data, as well as a guest speaker on a Talbot River-Related Theme.
Jennie's Art Project
If you have met Carden Water Team volunteer, Jennie Clark, you may know that she is a local artist who is inspired by the beauty of the natural world.
Jennie is also the founder of the
Simcoe Watershed Art Project
. Exhibitions, workshops and boat tours are held throughout the year, spreading an appreciation and concern for the health of watersheds.
Ontario Streams Award
In 2014, Dorthea attended the Ontario Streams AGM determined to find the help she needed to start a water testing team in the Talbot River sub watershed.
In the whirlwind of months that followed,
sites were scouted out, test kits were purchased, workshops were held, and data began to flow in from 14 eager volunteers.
One year later, Dorthea stood at the 2015 Ontario Streams AGM, to accept the '2015 Partnership Recognition' award on behalf of the Couchiching Conservancy.
Thank you Dorthea, your perseverance and passion has made this project a success! And to each of the dedicated and kindhearted volunteers, thank you!
Way to go team!
Northern Water Snake photo taken by Meagan |
Wildlife Sightings:
The unique landscape and abundant species of the Carden Alvar means there is a new adventure to look forward to with every outing.
Below, Meagan Coughlin recounts memorable wildlife sightings her and her mother, Trudy, have made while water testing at the Doyle Rd Bridge:
There's a Northern Water Snake that we've seen a few times. The last time we were there it swam under a rock during our turbidity testing, after watching us for a long time after we first arrived. I thought it was trying to hide, until it resurfaced with a small fish in its mouth! We got to watch it finish its meal for the rest of the time we were testing.
I also had a muskrat swim towards me during one of our water testing sessions. He got about two feet away until he noticed me and went back the way he came. After we'd finished up the testing for the day, I started walking up river to see if I could spot where the muskrat had come from. Just as I started approaching the bridge, a weasel jumped out from the shadows and scampered away from me. So as you can see, the Doyle Road Bridge site is really lively a lot of the time. Its been a lot of fun testing there."
Email us your stories from the field to be featured in the next newsletter!
When do I stop testing for winter?
Answer: When you are no longer comfortable
Know yourself and what conditions you, your partner(s), and your vehicle are able to tolerate. You don't want to find yourself stuck on a side road without winter tires or standing in ice-cold water with frost-bitten fingers.
Helpful Hint: While you are still testing, try wearing dollar store gloves under a pair of dish or rubber gloves to keep your hands warm and dry!