Capitol Update

January 5th, 2023

Legislative Session Begins

We are now just a few days out from the beginning of the Legislative Session! It will begin on January 9th and is scheduled to end in the last few weeks of April. This session will mark the beginning of the 90th General Assembly of the Iowa House of Representatives. The term General Assembly refers to the House and Senate, and there is a new General Assembly every two sessions. This is because the composition of each chamber changes with every election cycle. Representatives serve two-year terms and Senators serve four-year terms. 

While I will be working year-round as I meet with voters in my district and across the state, the Legislature is only in session 110 days this year.

On the first day of the Session I will be taking the Oath of Office and be officially sworn in as an Iowa Representative! The rest of the week will include Governor Reynolds’ Condition of the State Address, as well as the Condition of the Judiciary and Condition of the National Guard Addresses. The Oath of Office ceremony and the Addresses will all be live-streamed at

The House Republican Caucus

There are 100 total representatives in the Iowa Legislature, and each of them represent 30,000 people. This is a major part how district lines are determined for elections! The 100 Representatives are split into parties. 

Each party has what is called a Caucus, which is essentially a gathering and alliance of the legislators who are members of that party. The Reps meet in Caucus at least once a day to discuss priorities, strategies, and logistics. 

The Republican Party currently holds a majority in the Iowa House, with 64 out of 100 Representatives being Republican. With the House majority comes the responsibility of House leadership! This means that Republican Representatives vote to choose who will be the Speaker of the House and other leadership roles. The Speaker then chooses who is assigned to which committees, and who is leading each committee. 

Iowa's Republican Trifecta

You may have heard people refer to Iowa’s government as a “Republican Trifecta.” This is in reference to all three branches of our state government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) being led by Republicans. In fact, the Iowa Senate currently has a Supermajority, meaning two thirds of the 50 Senators are Republicans. With 64 Republicans in the House, Representatives are just a few seats away from a Supermajority as well. 

Republican Party's Top Priorities

Property Tax Relief

After previous victories in reducing income taxes for Iowans, we are now working on responsible and effective solutions to help lower property taxes. 

Budget & Taxpayer Accountability 

The House Republicans are committed to passing a state budget that is conservative, responsible, cuts waste, and funds the priorities of the Iowans we represent. 

Additionally, we know there are approximately 100,000 Iowans currently on Medicaid that are no longer eligible. We are interested in taking a look at a variety of reforms that will ensure the money taxpayers are dedicating to welfare programs like Medicaid are actually going to those who need it.   

Education Priorities 

Highlights of these include: 

  • School choice 
  • Curriculum transparency 
  • Changes to the Board of Educational Examiners’ processes of accountability
  • Alternative teacher licensing options 
  • Public school funding requirements to prioritize students’ needs 
  • Prioritizing parents’ choices 

Protecting Children from Liberal Extremism 

This is an issue very close to my heart! House Republicans will be working this session to ensure that parents and all Iowans remain in charge of what is best for them and their families. We will stand up to Leftist ideology that is attempting to invade so many of the organizations Iowans interact with. Children, the most vulnerable and impressionable among us, should be protected from explicit content and age-inappropriate concepts that are being presented in schools, libraries, and other places. 

2022 General Election Flashback

The redistricting process that happens every ten years in conjunction with the U.S. Census created 100 new Iowa House districts for the 2023 election. The district that I represent includes all of Keokuk County and portions of Mahaska and Jefferson County. The November general election brought an exciting win for my race, netting an impressive 74% of the vote. So many of you receiving this very first newsletter were instrumental in helping with not only the general election but also the primary in June. I am so grateful for you and all the support, conversations, and prayers along the way! Thank you!

Meet my amazing new clerk, Tressa Teel!

Hello everyone! My name is Tressa (Vos) Teel, and I am Representative-Elect Hayes’ clerk for this session. I was born and raised in Pella, Iowa and enjoyed growing up there! Being on the Tulip Court in high school and homeschool group activities throughout the years were some highlights for me. My passion for politics started when I attended the Iowa TeenPact Leadership Schools class in high school!

In October of 2022, I got married to Brett Teel. We had a perfect day and a wonderful wedding at Nelson Pioneer Farm near Oskaloosa! We have been enjoying newlywed life in Grimes and are loving getting to know our new church family at Westchester E. Free Church in Des Moines. In addition to clerking for Rep. Hayes, I also own and operate Ballast Virtual Assistance.

As Helena's clerk this session, I will be managing many administrative tasks! A large part of my job is making sure that you as the constituent are as informed and included as possible in what is happening here at the Capitol. Another goal we have is to help more people understand the legislative process and how they can influence change. Specifics of my role include drafting the newsletter, managing emails and phone communication, social media, website, and some aspects of public relations. I am beyond excited for the opportunity to work alongside Helena to fight for the freedoms of Iowans! 

Newsletter Subscriptions

Thank you for subscribing to Representative-Elect Hayes’ newsletter! If you would like to share it with someone you know, feel free to forward this email to them. Anyone can sign up for the newsletter by visiting and submitting their email address at the bottom of the page. 

If you would like to receive a hard copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please email with your name and mailing address. 

You can also print this email to share with friends. 

Contact Information

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. I love to hear from you and want to represent you accurately! 



Phone: 515.281.3221

Donation Information:

Upcoming Events

Here are the dates for upcoming forums I will be at! I welcome all constituents to join me for these meetings. I want to hear what you have to say!

Eggs & Issues at Smokey Row Oskaloosa (109 S Market St. Oskaloosa, IA) will take place on these dates:

January 28 - 8:30-9:30am

February 25 - 8:30-9:30am

March 25 - 8:30-9:30am

Fairfield Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forum at the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center (200 North Main St. Fairfield, IA)

will take place on these dates:

February 18- 7:30-9:00am

April 8 - 7:30-9:00am

If you have any questions about these events, don't hesitate to reach out to me. All forums and events will be posted on my Facebook page as well as here in the newsletter!

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