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April 2024

The Freshwater Initiative: Stakeholder engagement 

Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of planning processes, helping to build consensus on impactful recommendations and create actionable plans. Stakeholder engagement to inform the Cape Cod Freshwater Initiative continued in March, with the launch of a process to engage diverse perspectives in working groups organized by groundwater lenses.

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District Local Technical Assistance funding to support housing initiatives  

Each year, the Cape Cod Commission receives funding through the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Living Communities (previously the Department of Housing and Community Development) to provide technical assistance to towns in our region. The District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) program helps municipalities with sustainable development and encourages partnerships to achieve planning and development goals that align with state and regional priorities. 

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Surveying Cape Cod's side path crossings

The Side Path Crossing Inventory is part of an ongoing regional effort to promote safe bicycle and pedestrian accommodations across Cape Cod, consistent with the Cape Cod Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Building on the 2022 Rail Trail Crossing Inventory, the Side Path Crossing Inventory continues the inventory and safety recommendations for side paths along roadways to the local level.  

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Sandwich Digital Equity Plan released for public comment

The Cape Cod Commission and Town of Sandwich have released the Draft Town of Sandwich Municipal Digital Equity Plan for a 30-day public review and comment period. 

The Plan assesses the digital divide in Sandwich and identifies opportunities to advance digital equity. The plan considers the affordability of internet service, access to technology necessary for participation in civic, social, and economic life, and the skills required for meaningful digital engagement. The goal of the plan is to prepare the town for funding opportunities and guide decision-making, investment, and implementation. 

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Collecting consistent data from Cape Cod's ponds 

Spring is here, and along with all the other typical signs of spring, Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) staff and volunteers have resumed the Cape Cod Regional Pond Monitoring Program.  The program aims to collect data from 50 representative ponds every month for seven months out of the year. Year One concluded in November 2023, and staff and volunteers resumed work in March 2024.

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Notice of Opportunity for public comment on transportation planning documents

In accordance with the Public Participation Plan, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released the Draft FFY 2025 - 2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Draft FFY 2025 Unified Planning Work Program, and Draft FFY 2024-2028 TIP Amendment 3 for a 21-day public review and comment period. Members of the public are invited to review these documents and provide comments. 

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Reauthorized Cape Cod National Seashore Federal Advisory Commission holds first meeting 

The Cape Cod National Seashore Federal Advisory Commission met for the first time in more than five years on April 8, 2024, at the Seashore’s Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham. While the official charge of the Commission is to consult with the Secretary of the Interior on matters relating to the development of the Cape Cod National Seashore, including matters of acquisition by condemnation and zoning regulations, it also serves as a liaison between the Seashore administration, the towns within its borders, and the community at large. 

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Cape Cod Bridges Program: Upcoming Open House

Open House: May 13, 2024

MassDOT will hold an in-person Open House at the Bourne Veteran's Memorial Community Center to discuss the proposed Cape Cod Bridges Program. Two sessions will be offered.

May 13, 2024, 12 - 3 PM and 5 - 8 PM

Bourne Veteran's Memorial Community Center, 239 Main St, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532

Learn more here.

Visit for information on the program, along with news and updates. 

Statewide housing plan listening sessions

The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) will host regional listening sessions across the state to engage stakeholders and solicit feedback as EOHLC develops the Healey-Driscoll Administration's first five-year strategic statewide housing plan. 

The Cape and Islands listening session is scheduled for Monday, June 3, from 10:00 AM to noon at Cape Cod Community College in West Barnstable. Register

Two virtual sessions are also scheduled:

Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 PM Register

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 PM Register

For more information and a full listing of listening sessions, please visit 

The FY25 One Stop Expression of Interest is Now Open

The Healey-Driscoll Administration is pleased to announce the opening of the FY25 One Stop Expression of Interest!

The Expression of Interest (EOI) is a short, optional form that gives prospective applicants the opportunity to receive guidance on priority projects before submitting a Full Application. The Expression of Interest is optional but highly encouraged.

New this year, the EOI is now offered as a webform that can be directly accessed through the One Stop website. The streamlined process allows for both an expedited delivery of EOI feedback and eliminates the limit to the number of projects that an organization can submit. The EOI will remain open through April 30.

After submitting an EOI form, the applicant will receive a Feedback Report letting them know whether their project is a fit for the funding offered through the One Stop. If so, the report will indicate where the project falls on the Development Continuum, the program that best fits the project, tips on how to be competitive for the program, as well as important project budget and timeline considerations.

For more information on the Expression of Interest, and FY25 Round of the One Stop in general, visit Questions can be sent to