Vol 9, Issue 3, September 17, 2021
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week’s edition: Canada's job market added 90,000 positions in August, Introduction to Construction for Women, Guided pathways: integrating essential skills into careers work, and Virtual youth committee volunteer opportunity.
Canada's job market added 90,000 positions in August
Canada's job market added 90,000 positions in August, for the third consecutive monthly gain.
Statistics Canada says the unemployment rate fell 0.4 percentage points to 7.1 per cent, the lowest since the pandemic began.
The job gains were stronger than expected and reflect further reopening across the county to varying degrees. Indoor dining, personal care, entertainment, and recreation were back with capacity limits. Fully vaccinated Americans were also allowed back to Canada for non-essential trips without having to quarantine.
Most of the gains were in the private sector (77,000). They were also mostly full-time (69,000) with services-producing industries, accommodation and food services being the biggest driver.
Economic recovery is not complete
The August gains bring Canada’s job market to within 156,000 jobs of its February 2020 level.
Gains were concentrated in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, while the rest of the country was little changed.
Total hours worked were little changed and are 2.6 per cent below pre-pandemic levels, which Stephen Brown, senior Canada economist at Capital economics says could be a bad sign for the economic recovery,
“That doesn’t give us much confidence that GDP rebounded strongly in August, following the preliminary estimate that it declined by 0.3 per cent month over month in July, although the link between hours worked and GDP has been fairly loose in recent months,” said Brown.
Competing for workers
The number of people who worked at least half their usual hours fell 1.8 percentage points to 24 per cent, the lowest since the start of the pandemic.
Introduction to Construction for Women
Looking to build your confidence working on home improvement or to discover a career in the skilled trades? This course will:
• help you get comfortable working on plumbing, carpentry and electrical projects;
• demonstrate an understanding and the importance of safety; and
• show you how to work with electricity/electrical wiring and the basic elements of plumbing and carpentry.

Classes held at the Eva Rothwell Centre 460 Wentworth St. North

Tuesdays and Wednesdays
10 am - 1 pm
September 28 - November 24, 2021 (No classes October 25-29)

Thursdays and Fridays
10 am - 1 pm
September 30 - November 26, 2021 (No classes October 25-29)

Guided Pathways: Integrating essential skills into careers work
The renewed essential skills framework from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) – now retitled Skills for Success – outlines the foundational and transferable skills required to engage, adapt and thrive in a career. These skills are used every day, for virtually every task and play an integral role in finding employment opportunities, successfully completing interviews, and attaining and maintaining employment. Essential skills/Skills for Success pave the path to workplace success and support the services provided by career development practitioners (CDPs). The essential skills framework contains tools that CDPs can use to assess clients’ capacities, explore and match occupations based on skills, recommend training, track progress and develop plans for long-term career growth.
Currently, the framework is not always part of standard career development practice, and definitions and understandings of its uses often vary. Guided Pathways is a five-year national project funded by the Government of Canada and led by Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES). This innovative training is helping CDPs integrate and standardize the essential skills framework in practice for consistent and effective use of its tools and better support for clients. Over 900 CDPs across Canada will participate in online essential skills training, leading to more effective pathways to employment for workers in Canada.

Program overview
The first Guided Pathways online training sessions began on May 3, 2021, and since its launch, the program has had over 400 registrants. Training is modularized into four weeks of content on the background, assessments and application of essential skills, which includes complexity levels, occupational profiles and comparative content on Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).
Participation in the program also provides CDPs with access to a national Community of Practice where they can access additional resources and materials from program facilitators and connect with peers across the country to discuss their practice, ask questions, and build a network of knowledge and support.
Virtual youth committee volunteer opportunity
Workforce Planning Hamilton is seeking young professionals interested in digital job development in the Hamilton region. WPH has been able to connect with you individually to discuss our upcoming Virtual Youth Committee.

The goal for this committee is to develop a community wide strategy to support high youth unemployment rates and to assist youth in the Hamilton region in navigating labour market information. This committee of youth and employers will be able to create a digital platform that will feature centralized information for youth in Hamilton. Our hope is that this information will ultimately help youth with networking opportunities, hiring processes, employer advice, and provide youth with a better grasp of what Hamilton’s labour market reveals to support with employment decisions.

Please reach out and send your resume to: info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca 

The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm) or Contact Us online.

The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca