News and updates from Loeta Consulting
A semi-regularly posted e-newsletter which connects families, friends and professionals with some of the latest articles and news items dealing with the worlds of mental health, addiction treatment and self-care.
You must be the change you want to see in the world.
(1869 - 1948)
At Loeta we offer independent sober and life coaching in addition to therapeutic and educational consulting services. We work with families from around the country to not only offer guidance and support, but also to help find appropriate emotional or academic environments. We are accepting new clients, so if you are interested in learning more about the services we offer, or you know of a family struggling, please reach out to us at 207.380.2846 or click here t o be directed to our website .
When Healthy Eating Is an Eating Disorder in Disguise

The slippery slope between wellness diets and orthorexia.

As we become more savvy to the fact that diets don’t work, the dieting industry has become more and more sneaky. The most popular fad diets right now are ones that claim to not be a diet at all.

Important Parenting Lessons from the Brady Bunch

How the Brady family modeled positive parenting

Picture this: You're sitting in the living room, reading a nice book, when all of a sudden, you hear your youngest daughter yelling: "Mommy!" You run into the playroom, where your daughter is frantically searching under the couch cushions for her favorite doll, Kitty Karry-all. She's gone missing!

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