What are your burning career questions that you want answered?

"When should I send a cover letter when submitting for a job?" 

"How long should a cover letter be?"

These are just some of the types of "burning questions" I will be answering at my Career Roundtable event on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 1 pm Pacific Standard Time using "gotomeeting" (similar to Zoom where we can hear & see each other on the computer). At this no more than 90-minute event an introduction from me at the beginning of the event welcoming you to the event & going over the agenda will take place. Dr. Mary Zennett will read my bio. so that you can learn a little bit about me (for those who don't know me) and for those who do (maybe you'll learn something new about me) :) Dr. Mary Zennett will then ask me some of your burning career questions that you will send into me via email to: info@worksolutionstoday.com starting now and before the event. Attendees will also have the opportunity to submit any burning career questions they may have & ONE lucky winner will randomly be selected to get their question answered privately offline via email for FREE (a $90 value).

*NOTE* - If you can't attend live, you can still purchase your ticket and receive a recorded copy to watch on your own time.

Secure you and your guest's spot TODAY! This is the perfect opportunity to bring that potential referral that you know can benefit.

*REMEMBER* - If you can't attend live, you can still purchase your ticket and receive a recorded copy to watch on your own time.

Tickets are $42.96 per person (which includes the debit/credit card processing fee I'm charged to net my $40 rate) & can be purchased using the "BUY NOW" purple button below.

Tickets are available for purchase until 12 pm Pacific Standard Time on the day of the event (Wed. 11/30/22).


NOTEIf you want to pay without a debit/credit card, please contact me ASAP so I can email over the terms & conditions for the event & once you reply back that you understand & agree to them, I would provide you a snail mail address to mail your payment. Thank you! :)

Some of my past events:

Secure you and your guest's spot TODAY! This is the perfect opportunity to bring that potential referral that you know can benefitTickets are $42.96 per person (which includes the debit/credit card processing fee I'm charged to net my $40 rate) & can be purchased using the "BUY NOW" purple button below.

Tickets are available for purchase until 12 pm Pacific Standard Time on the day of the event (Wed. 11/30/22).

*REMEMBER* - If you can't attend live, you can still purchase your ticket and receive a recorded copy to watch on your own time.


NOTEIf you want to pay without a debit/credit card, please contact me ASAP so I can email over the terms & conditions for the event & once you reply back that you understand & agree to them, I would provide you a snail mail address to mail your payment. Thank you! :)

Quick quitting is a hot thing right now.

Do you know anyone who's "quick quitted" as described below?

Vice President promoted at her job (pictured above)

In a recent article, "Retirement is feeling unrealistic - and other happenings in the world of work" (published on 10/17/22) on LinkedIn, quick quitting is on the rise in the U.S. Quick quitting defined as Vice President's and managers quitting with LESS than a year in their job & is increasingly going that route.

  • There is a 13% increase, year-over-year for Vice President's leaving within the first year of their positions. It's Gen Zers in their early 20's, but also millenials & Gen Xers.

  • WHY? Because some may get better offers OR leave because they are frustrated by poor culture fits or jobs that didn't live up to their expectations.

  • Amanda Pappas, a Creative Director, commented that these findings fall in line with what she's seeing in the marketing industry. She commented: "I've noticed a lot more responsibilities put on the Director level without much support." Pappas continued: "They're expected to be high-level thinkers AND day-to-day task doers...that level of context switching is difficult for anyone."

  • Don Tirea, an entrepreneur stated: "Quick quitting can be a thing if the match between employee and employer isn't quite right." He continued: "It's best for both to move on. Shorter duration of time in a poor relationship equals more time and money saved for everyone."

Some Vice President's leaving their position within LESS than a year because of lack of the same vision and goals (shown in picture above).

Do you know anyone who's "quick quitted" as described above who could use my help & services?

If you want to setup a FREE, no obligation, maximized phone call

Click here to see what takes place & what doesn't take place at the call & all the "deets" here ("deets" is details). 😊

Thank you,

Carly Calabrese

Career Coach/Business Marketing Consultant/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant

Email me: info@worksolutionstoday.com

Work Solutions - "Providing career assistance/coaching/prep, business marketing, writing, editing, and LinkedIn services for individuals and freelance opportunities."

“Independence is happiness.”—Susan B. Anthony

Work Solutions| worksolutionstoday.com

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