February 16, 2023
Campus-Community Connections
A Publication of ITGA
A Message to our Colleagues at MSU and City of East Lansing
Our thoughts are with our friends and colleagues at Michigan State University and the City of East Lansing as they deal with yet another mass shooting in our country. We know that the University and city are demonstrating strong resolve and will get through this together. Tragedies like this galvanize solidarity among town-gown communities around the world to support, heal and work to stop these horrific acts of violence. We stand with the Spartans during this very difficult time!
ITGA Conference Updates
Attend the conference in Fort Collins, Colorado, June 7-9, and share successful strategies, learn from colleagues, and commiserate with a group of dedicated peers that Get It! Events include: Certificate in Town Gown Relations Level II- June 6, 9:00am-3:00pm. Professional Networking (Optional) June 6, 4:30pm-7:00pm at OBC Wine Project at Odell Brewing - must pre-register. Wednesday's evening reception is at Ginger & Baker, 6:00pm-9:00pm. The conference begins Wednesday morning and ends Friday after lunch. Send questions to Susan@itga.org. Learn more at www.itga.org.
Flashback #ITGA2022 Conference: "The University of Maryland and City of College Park Demonstrate the Power of Partnership," Edward J. Maginnis, J.D., Assistant Vice President—Real Estate, University of Maryland; Kenny Young, City Manager, MPA, City of College Park; Scott R. Vieth, Principal, Design Collective; Katie Hearn, J.D., Senior Vice President, Redgate. To access the presentation, click here.
Upcoming Webinars & Virtual Events
Water Cooler Chat - Chinese Student Exploitation: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:00pm (EDT): Dave Wilson, West Midlands Police, UK, is a specialist in the vulnerability of Chinese Students in University/College cities. Dave will talk about what is happening in the UK and how this impacts all of us on a global scale. To register, click here.

Racial Justice and Equity Committee: Thursday, March 9, at 11:00am (EDT): Join the conversation, co-chaired by Summur Roberts and Nicole Prewitt, to discuss new and innovative ways for members to facilitate healing and liberation for historically marginalized people. To learn more, click here.
The New ITGA ListServe
As of March 1, the email distribution ListServe will be disabled as we are transitioning to the ITGA ListServe on the website. To gain access to unlimited expertise, sign-in and identify the topics you want to receive and respond to posts using these easy steps!
National & International Headlines
UniverCities: The Integration of the Campus and its City
Aware of their positions as stewards of local communities, institutions are engaging with modern urban planning. In Europe, universities are reformulating their position in society, taking on reorganizations and expansions of their physical structures.
HBCUs to Participate in Africa-U.S. Cities Conference
The Center for African Studies at Howard University is currently partnering with the African Centre for the Study of the United States at Wits University. The conference is the first of its kind and connects leaders from the international, private and public sectors and HBCUs.
Expanding the Reach of LGBTQ Protections
Local officials in State College are expanding the reach of the borough's protections for LGBTQ people by encouraging other local municipalities to duplicate its anti-discrimination ordinance and creating a Regional Human Relations Commission.
Clemson Luncheon Highlights Town-Gown Success
Branding, record-breaking numbers and national rankings were all the buzz Feb. 8 as Clemson University President Jim Clements and City of Clemson Mayor Robert Halfacre spoke in front of a crowd at the annual State of Clemson luncheon at Madren Conference Center.
International Town & Gown Association
Visit Us Online: www.itga.org
Have an ITGA story to share? Let us know by emailing Beth@ITGA.org