Courageous Conversations: First in a series
On Wednesday, July 15, 2020, ITGA held its firsts panel in their on-going Courageous Conversations series. The conversation was hosted by former ITGA President Ron Jackson and included three panelists: Summur Roberts, Director of Community Engagement at Loyola University Chicago, IL; Tony Yarber, the former mayor of Jacksonville, MS; and Douglas Shontz, Assistant to the Manager, Borough of State College, PA.

The session covered many topics, including policies implemented that support people of color following protests from police killings, how to encourage allies to use their voice for change, and ways universities and cities are taking action. As the panelists responded to questions and recounted their personal experiences, you could feel how passionate they were and how they all connected personally.

When asked why the Courageous Conversation series was important, Summur Roberts replied, "The Courageous Conversation was a springboard to create honest dialogue and begin to move the needle on eradicating racial inequities through informed and thoughtful action planning."

Courageous Conversations demonstrates how open discussion is a vital part of inflicting change and how we can learn by speaking openly and listening to one another. I look forward to the next part of this continuing series, where I know the conversation will be just as invigorating as they are inspiring. Written by Laura Hobbs, Senior, DePaul University.
Courageous Conversations: Humanity in Policing
Join us on Wednesday, August 19, 12:00pm (EDT) for the next topic in the ITGA Courageous Conversations series - Humanity in Policing .

The killing of George Floyd while in police custody was followed by weeks of national and local protests against police brutality and systematic racism. Now police departments throughout the country face a crisis of legitimacy. There are many layers in the map of police reform, one of which is humanity in 21st century policing. Hear from a panel of experts on the pillars of policing in creating meaningful change in police systems and culture.

Registration opens soon. Send inquiries to .
NLC's Race, Equity, And Leadership (REAL) Training
Join us for REAL Action: Advancing Racial Equity And Leadership in Town-Gown Relations, Sept. 9 (2:00pm-6:00pm) and Sept. 10 (11:00am-3:00pm) EDT.

NLC’s Race, Equity, And Leadership  (REAL) department has developed curriculum to guide participants toward an expanded understanding of racial equity and how it can impact our leadership and interactions. The two-day virtual training will focus on equity and inclusion practices/policies with a specific focus on leadership and community building to better support universities and municipalities.
To learn more and/or register, click here .

Seating is limited, so reserve space for you or your team today. Registration is open until Friday, September 1st. For questions, contact .
ITGA Connects: Need inputs on your great work!
In recent months, ITGA has led a series of meetings on topics of high-level interest for both our members and national organizations, ranging from the economic impacts of COVID-19 to evolving Census protocols.

Now, we need you and your colleagues to consider hosting an ITGA Connects. Your campus and/or community likely has new initiatives tied to current events, ranging from big-picture recovery programs, to nuts-and-bolts solutions, to daily challenges. Your colleagues need fresh ideas and inspiration via ITGA Connects and we need you to share.

"ITGA Connects" programs are usually 60 minutes long, supported by staff. No one is expecting extreme polish and world-class production values, but accessible information and Q&A. We need to hear about your great work, now more than ever. To pitch your idea, send an email to  or complete the form . Thank you for any consideration of this request.
Welcome New and Renewing Members
City of Gainesville & University of Florida, Illinois State University, Ohio University, and University of Georgia
Join us on Social Media
A growing and impressive group of professionals from campus communities continue to network and share strategies for improving town-gown relations. Join us on  Twitter LinkedIn  and  Instagram .