Thanksgiving - Moments & Memories

Photo credits given below plus recipe for the world's best tasting pumpkin pie!

Thanksgiving to many in the United States means family gatherings for giving thanks for all they have, games, stories, fantastic meals, a little tv, more games and more food. Sometimes there’s a moment of shut-eye while pretending to watch a parade or football game on tv.


Traditional foods grown locally are used like: turkey, potatoes, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin and pecan pie. Of course, regional foods find a place on the menue, and different recipes of these have evolved over the years.


Seems everyone, unless they are in some predicament, is fond of Thanksgiving. Reflecting on the special event and what it represents stimulated the following true story.

Campfire Story:

There was a young man who had worked his way through college and was fortunate to receive a teaching fellowship for graduate school. After four years followed by two years of operating the university's electorn microscope, he obtained his first higher ed position in another state’s university system as a teaching and research assistant professor. 

Financially, he was what you would describe as bankrupt, though. Still he felt on ‘top of the world’ with excitement. Reality set in when that first week his car broke down and he had no money for food let alone to fix it. Had just enough for a temporary room in a run-down house and for bus fare for a few days. To keep from starving, he ate a few of the peanuts delivered to the research lab for testing.


He murmured constantly to himself as he walked the four blocks in the morning to catch a public bus to the campus. “What is going on in my life? Lord, don’t you care about me? These passengers on the bus are looking at me like, ‘What are you doing here? You're all dressed up, and with a coat and tie. Don’t fit in here!’” As if that wasn’t bad enough, the young man had to change buses to get one to campus. This meant waiting at the central terminal for a while. And, there would be more time for self-pity.

When the young assistant professor stepped off the bus at the stop on campus, he still had to walk about three blocks to his building. Things seemed normal during the day, except for the hunger pains. He had to somehow survive until his first pay check.

All the while, even during teaching periods, he’d think about how badly he was being treated.

God, don’t you love me? This is not fair! Even in the Scriptures think I recall it speaks to ‘…crumbs falling off the table to the dogs.’

Somehow, the young professor survived each day. He constantly murmured and complained about his economic condition, though. Days of the same past, still murrming and complaining. He noticed the time late one day. Have to hustle to catch the bus. Another won’t be there for at least an hour. Don’t want to sit at the bus stop, waiting. 


He quickly grabbed his jacket and materials he was taking to his rented room and hurried out the building. On the sidewalk coming slowly towards him was what looked like a wheelchair. As it came closer, he could make out the person in it was… He was shocked deeply by what he saw.


The young professor, who had complained constantly about his ecomic plight, held back emotions and tears as the person in the wheelchair approached and passed. A few steps more, the young professor broke down in tears, and walked off the sidewalk to a bench across the campus lawn.


The young man in the wheelchair had only stubbs down to just above the elbows and knees. A small bag was in his lap with books and class materials. He rolled the wheelchair with his arm stubs, which were dirty and callused from the great effort. He was a young soldier from the Vietnam War, who had sacrificed so much. "Hello," he said with a smile as he passed.


The young professor vowed never again would he feel sorry for himself and returned thanks to God for the many blessings. “At least, I have the wherewithal to walk anywhere I like, just as I did across this lawn. Thank you Lord for still loving a stupid person like me!”

Magnificent Glory of the Heavens and Promises Kept!

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A look at histry reveals some type of thanksgiving taking place through time and across the earth. President George Washington acknowledged it. President Abraham Lincoln, in 1863, proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens." He called on the American people, "with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience ... fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation."

Thanks for stopping by my campfire, and sharing this true story and history.

I’ll keep the campfire burning,




PS: Yes, you may share this true story from our history with someone else. They also can receive future Campfire Stories by sending an email to Clifton at or joining Clifton's Campfire writing blog on his author website: BTW, these are free.

 Photos (top down): #1&2 Visuals of Fall, courtesy use by J. Savoy of Tallahassee, FL. #3 Glory of the Heavens, courtesy use A. Winfree of Guymon, OK. #4 A Double Rainbow (Promise) over the Western Great Plains, courtesy use by L. Roberts.

God bless! ... cs

© Clifton Savoy, Ph.D.

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Mildred's Pumpkin Custard Pie

This is Clifton's mom. He says, "Never had a better tasting pumpkin pie! Had a second at a restaurant not long ago for Thanksgiving, but Mom's was still the best. Recipe may have come from my grandmother." A photo of Mildred later in life, fall of 2009, in front of Clifton's house is presented below.


3 eggs, ½ tsp. allspice,  1/2 cup brown sugar,  1 tsp cinnamon, ½ cup white sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 Tablespoon flour,  1 ½ cups whole milk,   ½ tsp salt-scant (or enough milk to ½ tsp nutmeg to fill the pie shell),   1 cup pumpkin


1)    Beat eggs, mix all dry ingredients together and add to eggs. Beat together and add 1 cup pumpkin and vanilla. Beat all ingredients together and add milk last and combine.

2)     Add ingredients to unbaked pie shell. Bake in a hot oven at 425 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake until center of pie is firm and does not shake, approximately 1 hour.

3) Enjoy!