Cambridge OST Coalition news & updates
April 2023 | Spring Issue
Adinkra symbols: Sankofa: "Go back to the past and bring forward that which is useful."
Framing the Purpose of the Cambridge OST Coalition, referencing the Every Hour Counts Measurement Framework
OST Capacity Expansion Update
On February 28th, the Human Services and Veterans Committee of the City Council held a public meeting to discuss the status of after school programming in Cambridge.
Assistant City Manager, Human Services Ellen Semonoff, and Michelle Farnum, Assistant Director of Children Youth and Families presented plans to expand the number of available slots for children in Cambridge After School Programs.
Michelle mentioned the presentation at the OST Coalition Meeting. If you are interested in more detailed information about the city's plans to expand programs and staffing, please review the slides, click here. The video is available here.
Both Michelle and Ellen have repeatedly stated that the city must collaborate with non-profits and school-run programs in order to meet the needs of families for out of school time care and enrichment. Over the past few years AFCOST has been managing City resources from the Department of Human Service Programs and Cambridge Public Schools for school age childcare scholarships to non-profit organizations serving low-income families. There is a commitment from DHSP and CPS to continue to provide those resources next fiscal year.
At the April 3rd Cambridge City Council Meeting, the Council unanimously passed Policy Order and Resolution POR 2023 #59 "to develop a three-year plan to expand and improve After School Care for Cambridge children." In 2024 and beyond, DHSP will continue to work with The Agenda for Children OST to map out a process to examine continued OST expansion opportunities across Cambridge.
Discussions with non-profit organizations are underway to explore expanding the number of seats they are able to offer in September 2023 with additional City subsidies for expanded service. We will be finalizing the details of this work in the coming weeks so organizations can prepare for expansion and families can access the information. If you would like to know more, please contact Susan Richards,
DHSP Expansion Plan (September 2023)
OST and School Partnership
Resources to Support Awareness, Equity & Access
In support of partnering and collaborative approaches to support high priority and all Cambridge students and families, AFCOST published our annual Summer Resource Guide and Slide Decks. Please use this link to access many resources designed to support in and out of school staff, providers, parents and caregivers who are looking for, and helping students to connect to, afterschool and summer programs.
Chromebooks for OST Programs to Support Students’ i-Ready Use
We are collaborating with CPS to leverage resources to support a cohort of OST providers to purchase a bundle of Chromebooks and other equipment to support students’ use of the iReady online personalized learning platform at their programs during OST hours to support their learning in the areas of Math and ELA. We are currently in the process of purchasing the devices and equipment that programs keep onsite.
CPS Community Partner Portal and Data Dashboard Update
Based on the enrollment data you have submitted through the Community Partner Portal (CPP), we're excited to announce that we have launched a pilot cohort group of OST providers to explore and use CPP Data Dashboards. These Data Dashboards include aggregate data from all programs (for which enrollment data has been submitted into the CPP) run by each organization, and over multiple years. We are also able to create Dashboards that aggregate anonymized data from across all programs that have submitted data into the CPP. This work will soon be expanded and has exciting implications for our OST ecosystem and overall community. For assistance in entering enrollment data into the CPP, please contact AFCOST Network Associate Zeena Brown -
Important Dates and Information for
Summer Programs that will be based in a CPS Building*:
Click here to access a live link to programs based in CPS Buildings for 2023.
Additional details will be sent directly to these programs by the end of April.
Save the Date - In Person Meeting of the OST Coalition,
June 7, 2023, Location TBD
9am Coffee & Networking
Engagement in AFCOST Professional Development
After a dip in 2020-21, the numbers of programs participating in professional development opportunities offered by the Agenda for Children has increased.
In 2021-22, the number of OST staff participating in professional development at all levels increased to pre-pandemic levels.
In 2021-22,168 front line OST staff (mostly part-time) participated in professional development. This is just 10 participants short of pre-pandemic levels
In 2021-22, 159 of the full-time director level (which includes program directors, executive & upper executive directors) in OST participated in professional development, as compared to 98 in 2020-21.
Please contact Susan Richards (, if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss your reflections on this data and to let us know how we can support your professional development planning efforts.
In our effort to increase participation across all AFCOST opportunities, the following graphic is intended to help OST Leaders understand which professional development opportunities AFCOST offers, and our guidance for which OST staff roles are the primary audience.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Welcomes and Appreciations
Welcome to the newest members of the Cambridge OST Coalition
Linda Brogna, Director of Tobin Community School
Maija Pratt-Rojas, Co-Director, Navigation Games
Bryan Zuluaga, Director of Programs at Phillips Brooks House Association
Some Reading & Resource Recommendations for You
Save the Date - In Person Meeting of the OST Coalition,
June 7, 2023, Location TBD
9am Coffee & Networking